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most likely, will be on the north side of the park, on the outside of the building. A <br />slab will be needed and possible two trees re -located. <br />• This is still open for discussion, `no final decision'. <br />• See photo below for reference. <br />7. A/C Units <br />• Currently the Gateway Park building has 8 A/C units. <br />• 4 Units will stay during construction of the cement floor, and 4 will be dismantled <br />and placed in front the building/staging zone. <br />• Richard, from US Mechanical, will coordinate with .Rick when be, is ready to <br />dismantle the 4 A/C units. <br />• Rick will give Fabricio enough notice to have a Public Works truck and crew to pick <br />up the 4 units. <br />• Public Works crew will pick-up the 4 units and store them at the PW trailer until these <br />units are sold on GovDeals website. <br />• Nunez will replace any A/C air filters on the units being used during construction. <br />8. Cost Control <br />• As discussed last week, Nunez will provide a suggested list of `big-ticket items' for <br />the City to consider for DPO. <br />• The items agreed upon will be entered on to a change order for a deduction. <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />390 <br />