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goods or services, or other factors. Purchases authorized by waiver process shall be acquired after <br />conducting a good faith review of available sources and negotiation as to price, delivery and terms. <br />In accordance with the amended Budget, the City purchased a certified used 2021 Ford Passenger Var <br />Transit XL totaling $55,619.20 with Midway Ford, which was received on February 15, 2023. <br />ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: <br />The van has approximately 40,000 miles. Although basic warranty has already expired, the warranty <br />remains valid on Drivetrain, Emissions and Corrosion components. <br />With the approval of this purchase, the transportation division shuttle buses consist of six (6) 24-28 <br />passenger shuttle buses, one 14(12+2) passenger Minibus, one (1) 15 passenger van (on loan from <br />CCS), and the proposed 15 passenger van. This Ford Passenger van will serve for field trips and a! <br />backup if a bus were to go out of service due to mechanical disruptions, while maintaining ADA <br />compliance. <br />FUNDING SOURCE: <br />Funds have been appropriated in account no. 110-5-5440-464200-00000 - Transportation Motorized <br />Vehicles. <br />ATTACHMENTS: <br />Resolution <br />Quote <br />Item Number: 10.H <br />