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11^ <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />B <br />Architectural, Landscape Architectural, <br />Engineering and Land Surveying Firms Only (CCNA) <br />Conceptual Planning <br />The firm is known for developing successful, innovative approaches to many projects within <br />diverse environments. Our approach is a community- inclusive process that documents <br />the master plan based on artful images, visionary concept plans, and tested economics <br />transformed into a tangible reality. Parks, community streets, open spaces, and the <br />corresponding linkages are the places that support neighborhood life, as well as the <br />creation of community pride. Conceptual items that may be considered are plant palette, site <br />furnishings, lighting, decorative paving, signage, and wayfinding. <br />Our experience with redevelopment and planning projects is deep and varied including our <br />work on the conceptual planning and design of the US 1 corridor through Delray Beach. We <br />have been involved in numerous such projects across Florida over the past two decades. We <br />believe that creating a healthy community takes a great understanding of the big picture and <br />i <br />Sustainable Design <br />Why sustainability? Simply put, we feel it is the right thing to <br />do. A firmwide committee is currently spearheading the vision <br />of sustainability within Kimley -Horn. This green initiative stems <br />from our people's passion and seeks to better serve our clients <br />as both our society and industry demand change. Sustainable <br />development requires an integration of landscape architecture, <br />planning, engineering, environmental expertise, creative problem <br />solving, and excellent communication skills, all of which are <br />inherent to Kimley -Horn. In fact, we are already becoming <br />recognized as a leader in consulting for sustainable development <br />projects. In addition to our external practice, Kimley -Horn has <br />made a firmwide effort to "green up" internally, encouraging <br />environmental responsibility in the workplace. Some of the <br />ways we have moved forward in this regard include going <br />paperless, making recycling easy, supporting mass transit, <br />green ranking, green roofs, porous pavement, bioswales, <br />bioretention, low volume irrigation, and rainwater capture. <br />an appreciation of the details. Redevelopment requires <br />an extraordinary ability to solve problems creatively, <br />envisioning and designing projects critical to the life of <br />a community, and stimulating community involvement <br />to achieve overall transformation. Evaluation of the <br />different design alternatives will include comparison <br />of the degree to which each meets the objective, cost <br />analysis, permitability, and constructability. <br />The Key West Resort and Conference Center—a planned mired -use development <br />to be located at the entrance to Key West –is seeking LEED certification with water - <br />use techniques such as capturing rainwater via cisiems for reuse in irrigation and <br />fire prevention systems and using all native plant material. <br />U.S. Green Building Council <br />The U.S. Green Building Council's (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system is the <br />nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high performance green buildings. Kimley -Horn is <br />currently a member of USGBC. LEED can help the City with the tools they need to have an immediate and measurable impact on <br />their buildings' performance. LEED promotes a whole - building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in five key <br />areas of human and environmental health: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection, <br />and indoor environmental quality. LEED provides a roadmap for measuring and documenting sustainable success for every <br />building type and phase of a building lifecycle. Our landscape architects, planners, and engineers are well versed in developing <br />-1-0, -07 -02 <br />OY2 21.14-0 S- =,Isles Pores lServicvs.Ma <br />Kimley )»Horn <br />