<br />Architectural, Landscape Architectural,
<br />Engineering and Land Surveying Firms Only (CCNA)
<br />• SR A 1 (Collins Avenue) Pedestrian Corridor Study from 32nd Street
<br />B to 38th Street, Miami Beach, FL
<br />The SR At (Collins Avenue) Pedestrian Corridor Study was commissioned by FDOT
<br />® evaluate the need for a pedestrian signal crossing of SR At between 32nd Street an(
<br />® Street in Miami Beach. The area along SR At between these two pedestrian crossim,
<br />® experiences a high level of pedestrian activity due to a variety of factors, including the
<br />proximity of several hotels and apartment buildings, the beach adjacent to SR Al A, a I
<br />® convenient parking, and a high density of transit service.
<br />® Within the study area, Collins Avenue is part of a one -way pair providing northbound tr
<br />® flow in three lanes for SR AtA. Sidewalks exist along both sides of Collins Avenue. Sic
<br />are also provided along most side streets that cross SR Al A between Collins Avenue
<br />Indian Creek Drive, which provides southbound traffic flow in the area.
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<br />SR AlA/Collins Avenue Resurfacing (Phase I), Miami Beach, FL
<br />Kimley -Horn provided design services for SR A1A/Collins Avenue from 26th Street
<br />to Indian Creek Drive in Miami Beach for FDOT District Six. Based on our team's
<br />S detailed investigation of the corridor and deficiencies discovered, we presented
<br />® District Six with a scope study report which included three improvement options:
<br />® minimal, mid - range, and complete reconstruction of the corridor. The resurfacing,
<br />rehabilitation, and restoration (3R) design services provided to FDOT included
<br />® roadway, signing and pavement marking, maintenance of traffic, drainage, and
<br />® signalization plans. Project issues include milling and resurfacing, pedestrian/ADA
<br />compliance, parking, bike lanes, landscaping, and coordination with local agencies.
<br />® The project included approval of design exceptions and variations, pavement design,
<br />and typical section package.
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<br />North Shore Area Roadway Improvements, Miami Beach, FL
<br />Kimley -Horn provided streetscape design, urban design, landscape architecture,
<br />roadway engineering, and transportation- related services for the design of approximately three miles of urban streetscape
<br />improvements in the North Shore area of Miami Beach. The area is currently undergoing a major resurgence both commercially and
<br />residentially. Initiated in 1989, this project has developed into a S16.5- million program of improvements, with an emphasis on
<br />enhancement of the downtown area and the pedestrian activity areas. One of the key components of this project was solving traffic
<br />congestion along a major arterial route, Collins Avenue, by upgrading the two -lane roadway to three lanes. Kimley -Horn was
<br />successful in obtaining more than S8 million in county and state funding, in addition to a S1.6- million ISTEA grant through the
<br />Metropolitan Planning Organization for development of a 1.5 -mile bicycle /pedestrian corridor along the oceanfront.
<br />Implementation Plan for the Northeast Corridor Traffic Flow Study,
<br />Miami -Dade County, FL
<br />Kimley -Horn assisted the Metropolitan Planning Organization with developing an implementation
<br />plan that provides the framework for programming of transportation improvements in the
<br />northeast section of Miami -Dade County. The plan included defining projects to the level
<br />required to determine costs, subsequently determining potential funding sources, and finally
<br />laying out a blueprint toward implementation. The roadway grid lacks continuity, with few
<br />roadways traversing the entire study area. The majority of north -south traffic is concentrated in
<br />three corridors: 1 -95, Biscayne Boulevard, and Collins Avenue. Five major east -west corridors
<br />serve as connections between 1 -95 and Biscayne Boulevard: Ives Dairy Road, Miami Gardens
<br />Drive, 167/163rd Street, 135th Street, and 125th Street. As travel demand grows in the study
<br />area, these corridors are expected to become increasingly congested; therefore prompting the
<br />prior effort to develop a series of transportation infrastructure improvements and policies to
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