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Contract Clauses for Solicitation 47QSMD20R0001 Refresh Number 19 Contract Number: GS -07F -0031W <br />52.203-3 GRATUITIES (APR 1984) <br />(a) The right of the Contractor to proceed may be terminated by written notice if, after notice and <br />hearing, the agency head or a designee determines that the Contractor, its agent, or another <br />representative— <br />(1) Offered or gave a gratuity (e.g., an entertainment or gift) to an officer, official, or employee of <br />the Government; and <br />(2) Intended, by the gratuity, to obtain a contract or favorable treatment under a contract. <br />(b) The facts supporting this determination may be reviewed by any court having lawful jurisdiction. <br />(c) If this contract is terminated under paragraph (a) above, the Government is entitled— <br />(1) To pursue the same remedies as in a breach of the contract; and <br />(2) In addition to any other damages provided by law, to exemplary damages of not less than 3 <br />nor more than 10 times the cost incurred by the Contractor in giving gratuities to the person <br />concerned, as determined by the agency head or a designee. (This subparagraph (c)(2) is <br />applicable only if this contract uses money appropriated to the Department of Defense.) <br />(d) The rights and remedies of the Government provided in this clause shall not be exclusive and are in <br />addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. <br />52.207-5 OPTION TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT (FEB 1995) <br />(a) The Government may purchase the equipment provided on a lease or rental basis under this contract <br />The Contracting Officer may exercise this option only by providing a unilateral modification to the <br />Contractor. The effective date of the purchase will be specified in the unilateral modification and may <br />be any time during the period of the contract, including any extensions thereto. <br />(b) Except for final payment and transfer of title to the Government, the lease or rental portion of the <br />contract becomes complete and lease or rental charges shall be discontinued on the day immediately <br />preceding the effective date of purchase specified in the unilateral modification required in paragraph <br />(a) of this clause. <br />(c) The purchase conversion cost of the equipment shall be computed as of the effective date specified <br />in the unilateral modification required in paragraph (a) of this clause, on the basis of the purchase price <br />set forth in the contract, minus the total purchase option credits accumulated during the period of lease <br />or rental, calculated by the formula contained elsewhere in this contract. <br />(d) The accumulated purchase option credits available to determine the purchase conversion cost will <br />also include any credits accrued during a period of lease or rental of the equipment under any previous <br />Government contract if the equipment has been on continuous lease or rental. The movement of <br />equipment from one site to another site shall be "continuous rental." <br />52.222-1 NOTICE TO THE GOVERNMENT OF LABOR DISPUTES <br />(FEB 1997) <br />If the Contractor has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the <br />timely performance of this contract, the Contractor shall immediately give notice, including all relevant <br />information, to the Contracting Officer. <br />Page: 1 of 216 <br />88 <br />