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Summon, Minutes: Special Citv Commission Meeting September 11, 2014 Sunny Isles Beach, Florida <br />First Budeet Hearin <br />Fiscal Year 2015/2016 to fully staff the Parks he just described. We will also provide for a <br />Parking Attendant at Pier Park seven (7) days a week as opposed to just holidays and <br />weekends. We are expanding our After School Care Program, we are improving the operation <br />and the over sights at our Skate Park. We have achieved, and this was also a major focus last <br />year, he doesn't think we over emphasized it in this year's budget because we made <br />substantial strides during this Fiscal Year, and that is our succession Planning by having a <br />backup in each of our Departments in terms of leadership of each of our operating <br />Departments. We now have written plans for seven (7) of the ten (10) Departments that we <br />are looking for this, and that is a significant improvement over past years. <br />City Manager Russo said in the area of Capital Projects, we are well on our way with the <br />development of Gateway Park, and we expect that Park to be done by March 2015. We have <br />the green light to start on the pedestrian overpass bridge that is going to create a safe access <br />for all of those that live on the north side of Sunny Isles Boulevard in the North Bay Road, <br />172nd Street neighborhood primarily or anyone that wants to walk to the Park will have that <br />overpass to get from the north side across the westbound lanes of 826 into the Park. We will <br />be moving forward on that, that contract has been let and is ready to go. By the end of next <br />week, we should be out to bid with the plans for the Emergency Pedestrian Bridge which has <br />been a long time coming. That is the bridge that will allow many of our residents and children <br />to more safely get north and south in this City by going over the canal between 172nd and 174'^ <br />Street, that is approximately about a ten -year project in the making with all the requirements. <br />City Manager Russo said the plans for the undergrounding on Collins Avenue are probably <br />75% to 80% complete at this point. We will be working out a number of issues with regard to <br />easements and some other issues over the next few months. We believe that will probably <br />have to be bid early into next year. With regard to the Building Department, we had ratcheted <br />up staffing significantly last year, and we actually scaled back on the original plans by the <br />Department to take a more conservative approach to see how that will go. We are continuing <br />to do that this year where we need inspectors to fill in, we created a pool of money for part- <br />time hourly as- needed intermittent inspectors to help fill in when we need it. With all the <br />construction that is starting to file up with these projects starting. Instead of adding steady <br />part time or additional full time, we have created a pool of funds for intermittent hourly <br />employees which will keep cost down for the City. <br />City Manager Russo said on a point that is not a significant dollar value but the principal <br />involved and the future is probably more important is an item that he is going to mention. <br />This has been a bit of a battle for probably the better part of the past ten (10) years and that is <br />how the County handles the franchise we have through them for FPL for distribution of <br />franchise fees. These numbers have been going down steadily for a number of years now, <br />actually the Mayor pointed this out to him, and it is highlighted in our Budget, there is a chart <br />on taxes generated vs. franchise fees. You would think that they would both be in sync, as the <br />company does better we should get more. Without belaboring this, the new incorporations <br />since 1991 are under the Count), franchise for all the unincorporated areas and that has led <br />over the years to situations where as FPL develops more facilities, adds more value to the <br />County's taxable value, those taxes offset our franchise fees. As they progress we regress in <br />what we get from them, and so we have got about a 5200,000 cut. Also, we were notified of <br />3 <br />