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Summary Minutes: special City Commission Meeting September 11, 2014 Sunny Isles Beach, Florida <br />First Budget Hearing <br />that after we set the millage rate, fortunately $200,000 is not enough to affect our ability to <br />cover a loss of that amount but there are communities that are struggling, that is an issue <br />especially to be notified of that after your taxable status date. And so, this is a long -term issue <br />that we are working on in conjunction with our legal department. This is an item that is on <br />our regular agenda but it is significant enough that he is going to mention it, it is a good thing <br />that the City has a very good rainy day fund, the designated fund balance reserve for <br />emergencies such as a hurricane. We recently had the collapse of significant portion of the <br />south seawall behind the Intracoastal Park. We had emergency analysis of the entire seawall <br />and we are making about a SI Million repair on that. Again, because of our financial <br />condition and the $1 Million emergency repair, it is something that we can handle without any <br />problem, that is being done right now. The only good part about that is that they are using the <br />stagging area where the playground is going to go and so as they clean up that area they will <br />excavate for the foundation for the new playground which will be good timing, and we will <br />get the Park totally completed. <br />City Manager Russo said he wanted to make one other statement about this proposed Fiscal <br />Year 2014-2015 Budget, and he read a comment that he put in his Budget message. He noted <br />the Budget is on -line in the City's website. "The staff is extremely grateful for the continued <br />support of the City Commission. I would be remiss not to point out that this will be the last <br />Budget approved by our Mayor, as he will retire in December due to term limits. There was a <br />time many years ago when the City was fledgling and small, we did not have the sophisticated <br />staff as we do now. ", and I might add the intelligence of the staff we have now. "Mayor <br />Edelcup, before he was Mayor, was a guiding force in assisting me, and a limited staff with <br />regard to financial decisions and budgeting, for that we will always be thankful." <br />Commissioner Levin asked the City Manager to talk about the Evergreen Study since there are <br />some increases in pay across the board. City Manager Russo said it is all budgeted. Every <br />few years the City does a study to see that we stay competitive with our rates, scales, and <br />ranges, and it is called a "Clarification Study ". Where we have some corrections, this was <br />also discussed at the Workshops, and we make adjustments along those lines. There are <br />throughout the Study, and it is public information, there are throughout the staffing some <br />adjustments that were made. It all falls within an amount that we budget in our Human <br />Resources budget and it covers raises or any adjustments of that sort. That amount as in <br />previous years was still sufficient to cover the proposed changes from the Evergreen Study, <br />and our potential raises for the coming year. <br />Vice Mayor Aelion said he wanted to take this opportunity to thank staff for having presented <br />to the Commission a very well thought out and well balanced budget, on the conservative <br />side. We are the 7h lowest Millage Rate in the County, a very young City compared to the <br />other 35 municipalities. It speaks volumes of the efficiency of the City has been run since its <br />inception. Also to the efficiency of excellence from our City Manager who used to be with us <br />once and came back. He has a very well thought -out process both financial and otherwise the <br />performance for the good government of this City and so he wanted to thank him. With that <br />said, the allocation of funds were also of thought to different departments and the Capital <br />Funds, and the Improvement Programs, etc. also reflect the appropriate location for the <br />upcoming Capital Improvement Projects, and everything is in line for us to continue to be on a <br />E <br />