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Informing the Public. With an adjacent daycare area on the north side, we are aware of the attention <br />required to protect the public and secure the construction site every night. From previous projects <br />constructed in similar environments, we have learned the key to success is to keep the surrounding <br />residences informed of our activities and to maintain the schedule as discussed. <br />Schedule and Work Task Understanding <br />Once awarded the project, we will begin pursuing the pre- construction activities, including the job- specific <br />QC plan, the MOT plan, temporary structures design, shop drawings and the procurement of materials. <br />We employ a full -time PE to develop and stamp temporary designs as required. As a part of our quality <br />program, we maintain an engineer at the pre -cast yard to perform quality audits on permanent materials <br />before they are shipped to the project. <br />Following NTP, erosion control, MOT installation, and clearing and grubbing, the soil mixing operation will <br />be the first permanent work installed. Since this operation will disrupt entire access to the bridge, it must <br />take place first so that access to the structure will be clear. Soil is excavated to 1 ft. above the water table <br />for wet mixing. Traditionally, a batch plant would be installed on site during construction; but, due to the <br />tight areas, the soil mixing operation will employ ready mix trucks from a local concrete plant. The mixing <br />operation will take approximately two weeks to complete both sides with two additional weeks of cure <br />time. A cone penetrometer will be used to test the shear strength of the soil before it can be loaded. <br />Next, a temporary bridge or trestle will be built to allow for drilled shaft and crane access to the water. The <br />trestle on the south side will be built up to bent 4, and from the north side will be built south to bent 5. The <br />trestle will allow the augers to drill and pour the shafts during construction. Plus, vacuum trucks will be <br />employed during shaft construction to keep shaft slurry from entering the water. <br />L L. L L <br />7i. <br />J .a <br />._ <br />xa r.e i.... traT.a aaYasx Faa a €r +r++.% <br />This trestle design from our Bear But Bridge project is similar to what can be used for North Bay Rd. <br />MKIewitConstruction of the North Bay Road Pedestrian Emergency Bridge I No. 14 -09 -01 <br />