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The Human Side of Safety <br />Many construction workers believe their employers are more concerned about the statistics than the <br />individuals who are injured. A company's focus on the number of accidents or accident frequency rates <br />reinforces this common belief, sending the wrong message and hindering the effectiveness of a safety <br />program. Our safety training and communication highlights the "why" we all work accident free. The <br />message emphasizes that non -work reasons such as family and friends are the most important motivators <br />for safe work behavior. When these true reasons become part of the project's safety focus, a new awareness <br />and success usually follow. <br />Quality Focus: Building it Right the First Time <br />Kiewit has been a primary participant in pioneering what is now the industry standard for quality programs. <br />Our strong corporate quality culture places a premium on delivering high quality, long- lasting projects that <br />reduce the overall life cycle costs for our owners. We recognize that our project owners expect and deserve <br />a high - quality product, and our reputation is built on delivering on that expectation. Our philosophy for <br />achieving that quality expectation in all we do is to simply "Build it right the first time." <br />The QA /QC plan is the basis of the entire program and starts with the development of a project specific <br />plan. As part of this plan, we define each quality and testing requirement, testing and frequency of <br />inspection for field operations, as well as identifying specific hold points for self- inspection before <br />proceeding to the next step. We also identify each task or component requiring specific QA or QC <br />analysis for risk management and contract compliance. The procedures, which are specific to the project, <br />define the purpose, scope and steps to follow to complete each process and are reviewed regularly to <br />ensure effectiveness. <br />Our Quality Manager will prepare a project- specific Contractors Quality Control Plan (CQC Plan) as part <br />of our project start -up. The CQC Plan will set forth various specific procedures to ensure the quality of <br />construction. However, our overall process can be summed up in these three steps: <br />"Plan it. Build it. Check it." <br />Plan It. The only way to achieve success on every operation is to carefully plan the work. <br />Prior to the start of any construction activity, our superintendents and engineers will <br />be involved in detailed planning to ensure the craft understand exactly what they are <br />building, the requirements that must be followed, and the critical quality elements. We <br />will make certain that the work is executed in a controlled manner by requiring that all <br />operations be compliant with an approved, written work plan. The work plans will be <br />researched, planned, reviewed, approved, executed, monitored and revised as necessary. <br />To obtain the desired product, the work plans will be extremely detailed and prescriptive in the procedures <br />to be followed, specifying: <br />4 A summary of the materials, equipment, labor, permits, traffic control, and other key elements that <br />are needed for the operation. <br />MKiewit1 Construction of the North Bay Road Pedestrian Emergency Bridge � No. 74 -09 -07 <br />