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2015-0917 Regular City Commission Meeting
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City Commission Minutes
2015-0917 Regular City Commission Meeting
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Summary Minutes: Regular City Commission Meeting September 17, 2015 City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida <br />City is on the west side of A 1 A and wherever he goes to a shopping center, he will be facing <br />the same arguments. Tomorrow he could put a travel agent in there and he can suggest that <br />there would be a far worse impact on that space. He cannot argue that there will be a traffic <br />issue here because it is not a winning argument. <br />Mayor Scholl said first of all the school has a different intensity level because we dedicate a <br />lot of officers, safety resources to the school in the morning and in the afternoon. Chief <br />Maas said there are nine (9) officers there now. Mayor Scholl said the difference is the <br />intensity around the school is backstopped by the City and so he doesn't think you can <br />compare the two. What Vice Mayor Gatto is saying is the intensity in that residential <br />neighborhood, and it has always been a very controversial issue because the first time it came <br />up, we voted it down, and the second time they saw it was for 25 kids and it was approved. <br />Now we are a 3%2 vote on the kids and double on the space, in a neighborhood, and he <br />believes those deed restrictions were put there for a reason because they didn't want the <br />intensii}v in the neighborhood. But there are alternatives, most of the strip malls are two - <br />stories. It does create traffic issues but the commercial centers are built for traffic, they are <br />not in the middle of a residential neighborhood. <br />Commissioner Aelion said originally when the complex of this commercial center was built <br />exclusively for the benefit of Winston Towers. You are asking to go from 1/6 retail space on <br />the whole allowed of the complex to 1 /3. Secondly you are also asking for a zero variance in <br />outside space which is required for occupied inside capacity of children on the second floor. <br />As to the Mayor's point, it is precisely where you seek an alternative, since you are asking for <br />zero variance of outside space, the venue to facilitate and to basically eliminate that whether <br />the argument is for or against, whether it is traffic or not, it is for the same entity to provide <br />daycare and everybody knows that a second floor of most of the RK Plaza is 1 /3 to %2 empty, <br />and so that is the venue that should be sought in order to expand. Nobody said that they <br />shouldn't get the necessary increase as mentioned about people staying home. The more <br />important point, when you are seeking the application of 1/3 of the total retail space, you are <br />in essence handicapping any future potential varied use of the initial intent of the whole <br />complex, and by strangling this potential future use of the space, it should not be done. <br />Mr. Price said no matter where he goes on the second floor, he is going to be asking for 0 <br />variance of outdoor space because that is the nature of this. Traditionally that shopping area <br />has not been used for the purposes that you described. There is a Temple there that does not <br />restrict its membership to residents of Sunny Isles Beach, there was a bank on that property <br />that does not restrict the customers of Sunny Isles Beach, and a school or daycare is usually <br />placed in the center of a residential area. Commissioner Action said that is not true because <br />doctor offices have come in and out, sometimes they have occupied half to almost a whole <br />space, with dental services, doctor services, paralegal services, etc. If you look at the history <br />you will see that he is correct. Mr. Price said he has made his presentation and he thanked <br />the Commission for listening. <br />Commissioner Levin said she really understands the need for daycare in the City, she does <br />agree that it is not the right place to have it. Kids need to be able to run around and play, and <br />exercise. and she understands that they are not asking for a variance on that. There is no way <br />for traffic to go through the parking lot and so cars go in, and if they go in the wrong way <br />
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