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Summary Minutes: Regular City Commission Meeting September 17, 2015 City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida <br />they have to back out. With the addition of the bridge with more kids coming across the <br />bridge, if you are backing up there is more room for accidents in the parking lot and there is a <br />safety issue associated with it too. <br />Vice Mayor Gatto said that 90 kids is about the equivalent of five (5) classrooms in our K -8 <br />School. She knows you are talking about retail and banking and we need some deli there but <br />we are talking about kids here, it is a whole different ballgame. There is no question that <br />Chief Maas will have to assign at taxpayer's dollars another officer to manage that because <br />there are going to be kids coming in and out of there all the time. She thinks it is a bigger <br />thing than Mr. Price's client thinks it is. Mr. Price said he appreciates her viewpoint and he <br />understands it but he has had similar applications where one of the conditions was that the <br />applicant provide security or patrol cars at the time of peak hours. <br />City Attorney Ottinot clarified that it should be a motion to deny the request or approve the <br />request. If the request is denied, the Zoning matter will be withdrawrt based on this <br />recommendation. <br />Commissioner Aelion moved and Vice Mayor Gatto seconded a motion to approve the <br />resolution, denying the request. Resolution No. 2015 -2451 was adopted by a voice vote <br />of 5 -0 in favor of denying the request. Item 6A was withdrawn. <br />1013. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach; Florida, Approving <br />the Renewal of the Commercial Package Policy (Property, Liability, Automobile), <br />Workers Compensation, and Miscellaneous Insurances with Brown & <br />Brown/Preferred Government Insurance Trust (PGIT) for the Period of October 1, <br />2015 through September 30, 2016, in an Amount Not to Exceed $1 .000.000.00. as Outlined <br />in Exhibit "A Authorizing the City Manager to Do All Things Necessary to Effectuate this <br />Resolution; Providing for an Effective Date. <br />Action: City Clerk Hines read the title, and Human Resources /Risk Management Director <br />Yael Londono reported this is our annual renewal. We worked with Bob Hollander of Brown <br />& Brown to get the best bid possible, and after some negotiations with our current carrier we <br />received a renewal of about S 13,000 less than our current premium, along with a two -year <br />rate guarantee which we never had before. This approval also includes monies we are <br />allocating for deductibles and for any future Capital Projects that may come on during the <br />fiscal year. <br />Public Speakers: Bob Hollander <br />Commissioner Goldman moved and Vice Mayor Gatto seconded a motion to approve the <br />resolution. Resolution No. 2015 -2452 was adopted by a voice vote of 5 -0 in favor. <br />10C. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Authorizing <br />Commissioner Isaac Aelion as the City's Delegate to the Miami -Dade League of Cities <br />and Mayor George "Bud' Scholl as the Alternate to Attend Meetings During Fiscal Year <br />2015/2016; Providing for an Effective Date. <br />12 <br />