Summary Minutes:Special City Commission Meeting January 14,2016 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida
<br /> staggered time,that is the assumption behind it. Commissioner Levin said she understands
<br /> but she doesn't know how much it will improve, is it just going to prolong the whole time,
<br /> that we are going to be gridlocked or is it actually going to help because it will be better by a
<br /> certain percentage but we can't tell.
<br /> Commissioner Levin said for the school parking next door, there was a number of parking
<br /> spaces given for the school, their teachers from the annex will be parking here? We are
<br /> going to have additional teachers because the school will be growing,additional classes,and
<br /> so we need additional school parking, is that what that is about? Mr. Rothore said right,the
<br /> share parking analysis that we performed, it included parking specifically for school usage.
<br /> We looked at the number of classes,and looking at the City Code,minimum parking that we
<br /> are supposed to be providing for each class,and then based on that we alternatively came up
<br /> with a total for the shared parking, and so yes, school parking was definitely considered
<br /> separately and was looked upon. Commissioner Levin said the 250-seat theater, and the
<br /> proposed 63 parking spaces,is that because you are assuming that most events that will take
<br /> place at the theater will be at night so that there will be additional parking available? Mr.
<br /> Rothore said that is based on the City Code, for every four (4) seats you are supposed to
<br /> provide one (1) parking space.
<br /> Commissioner Goldman said she thinks it is a very comprehensive, a very effective study.
<br /> We all recognize here in the room that we have the physical constraints which dictate a
<br /> limited number of solutions to the mitigation,the traffic issues. Obviously the big take away
<br /> is that having staggered times of drop off is really the main way to mitigate some of the
<br /> traffic issues. She wanted to talk a little bit on mass transit, how would adding additional
<br /> buses, who would be responsible, is that a County, a School Board initiative? How do you
<br /> incentivize people to use mass transit, would it be for the benefit of just the younger kids,or
<br /> the older kids, how can we kind of merge these additional school buses and get people to
<br /> actually participate in that and get involved? Mr. Rothore said right now the whole idea is to
<br /> kind of highlight the very planning level,preliminary mitigation,and concerned agencies that
<br /> needs to be the coordination, if the buses go from 3 to 6, Miami-Dade Transit needs to be
<br /> involved,the local school needs to be involved, City departments needs to be involved,that
<br /> is something that will come along at a later stage, and that has to be looked at on a separate
<br /> basis. This is more just giving ideas as to this needs to be done, how that will be done is of
<br /> course a good question,that will be done at a later stage as we get more detailed coordination
<br /> among different agencies.
<br /> Vice Mayor Gatto knows we don't have a lot of options but she wanted to start with a little
<br /> story that happened last week. She left the office not paying attention to what time of the day
<br /> it was, she was coming down the ramp from City Hall, she sees on her left a car as she is
<br /> pulling out onto the street,there is a car,a mom waiting for her kid in City Hall's parking lot,
<br /> not in a parking space,just out there in the middle of nowhere,and so she tried to get out but
<br /> could not make the left turn and so she made the right turn to go north but she knew what
<br /> was going to happen, it just brings you back to the street, that is the quagmire. And so she
<br /> parked on the side of the street and she went back up to her office and sat at her desk. It is
<br /> really a mess,and she knows this is a complaint,but it is what we have now times 100 which
<br /> will be later. We will need more Police, etc. She also wants to talk about staggered hours
<br /> because for her intuitively and she understands Commissioner Levin when she asked that
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