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<br /> <br />Results of a coastal aerial-LiDAR Survey. Top Row: colorized 3D pointcloud using the RGB (red, <br />green blue) value from the photo-imagery. Bottom row: 3D pointcloud colored by elevation. <br /> <br /> <br />Another advanced methodology McKim & Creed offers is the use of unmanned aerial systems <br />(UAS)—“drones”—for coastal mapping purposes. Having worked with industry leaders such as <br />Esri (world’s largest geographic information system company) and 3DR (a North American leader <br />in UAS development), McKim & Creed is on the cutting edge of this new technology. With UAS, <br />we are now able to capture aerial photography at a higher-resolution than ever before (~1 cm <br />resolution). Utilizing auto-correlation software, we are able to create accurate, georeferenced <br />orthophotography. From the photography, we can further generate dense, accurate 3D point <br />clouds with coordinates and elevations associated with each pixel. <br /> <br />UAS mapping possesses the advantages providing high-resolution, 3D mapping with a system <br />that is lightweight, portable, inexpensive, and can be rapidly deployed (post-storm). We recently <br />teamed with Esri and 3DR to complete a proof of concept event that tested the feasibility of using <br />UAS to perform coastal surveys. Results demonstrated that, in the right conditions, UAS can <br />outperform conventional services by producing a more detailed digital elevation model (DEM) <br />more quickly and at a lower cost. The results were recently presented at the 2016 Esri Imaging <br />and Mapping Forum in San Diego. <br /> <br />With advanced technologies like LiDAR and UAS mapping, McKim & Creed can provide the City <br />with dense, full coverage survey data of the entire coastline. The density of this data and high- <br />resolution photography, as compared to conventional beach profile lines can be invaluable for <br />various coastal applications.