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<br />0J;,1 1"- U I VI J;,IJ U' l't fUil <br /> <br />nt\~v~1J M ~lrt\J ft\ <br /> <br />r t\A HV, <br /> <br />JU::JTOOL OOL::J <br /> <br />r, j <br /> <br />CONT~CT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE FLORlDAASSOClATIONOFREA.LTORS~ANDTHEFLORlDABAR <br /> <br />J'ARTlES: Golden Strand Internatb:mai. Inc." a dissolved Florida co~. ("Scller"), I <br />of~6 Magnol~~ Point B1v~~" Green Cove Sprin~s. PL (~oM)904-284-4~~~__. <br />and .city Q.f SunnY. IlIl.... Beal!h ("BIIIer") <br />of 11010 (!nl1i'Q.!L Ava.. Sunny.: Isles Beaeh. i'L (Pboj'l,,)305-~47-0~Q5 '. <br />hercby agree Ihat Scllcr Ihall sell and Buyer shall buy Ihe following doscribed l'Ilal proVerty alld pel'S<lnal ptopeny (collectively "PtOperty") pursulInt 10 Ihe Ull1llS and conditions of tllis Contracl <br />for Salc and Purchase and lIny riders and addcnda ("Contracl"): <br />1. D~SCRll.Jl'ION: <br />(a) LegBl dCieription orlhll .!I.eal property Iocalcd inJ1am1-0ade County, Florida: <br />( BE LEGAL DE~CRIPTION ATTACHED) <br /> <br />Vttt"Q"t_Land - T~,ol.!o 4".0..:.2.2.11.=..022:.0010 <br /> <br />(b) Slreet addr"u. eil)l. zip, or II... PTOP"l'>' it' <br />(c) Personal ProllCt\)l: <br />~A <br /> <br />See Addendum <br />5,000.00 <br /> <br />JI. PURCHASE PRrCE . . . . . . . , . , , , , , . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . , , , . , . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . .S <br />l"AYMENT: <br />e.) Depo,il l\..1I1 in 118llrow \ly Harold M. Ri fas" P. A.. (Escro'IV Agent) In the amount oU <br />(b) Addirional e,erow depolit 10 Is.. "'Ad.. r.o Storow Agcnl ""illlin _ dKYI .11.., Bf~criv. DotG (."" Po....g~.pb Ill) 10 the am"..nt Dr s <br /> <br />(c) Subjcc:t to ANb a5sumption or l!lI.islinll mOrlg;lga in good 5tandlrlllln favor of <br />having an approximalc prc6elll principal balallce or . . . . . . . , . . . . . , , . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .S <br /> <br />(d) New manses/! fin."eins ""ith .1..enclcr (Ice IV) ip Ib... 81llt'unt ef, . , , . , . . . , . . . . . , . , . . . . . , . . . . , , , . . , . , . . . . . . . . . , . . S <br /> <br />(c) ~ureh.'G money; ond nOle; to Sollor (Gco dd"r for terM>) in thG amO\lnl of. . , . ., .... ' . . . . . , . . , , . . , , . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . S <br /> <br />(f) Olhcr: L-. <br />(s) alllnee to olo.e by U,S. Cllh Of LOCALLY DRAWN Go.hies'. or offioi'} bonk "bcck(a), Gubjc:ct tv adjuolmGnta Dr pl'OutiollS . .. . . . , . . . . , . $ see AddenpU-m <br />III. TIME FOR ACCEPT ANCEOI1 OJlTJUt; in-tCTIVI: DA TJ:; J14.c..~LJl Inhi, oll'er illlOl ex.....lO<l by and d..livlr..d 10 all "arlic. Oil fACToI'" BXBCtJ'TION OOm",un."atcd .n writins <br />between the parties an or befofC S ~ ~ .mhf' r :l1 t h _ '2 0 0 , .\hc deposit(s)'e"'s opeion. be returned anclthis orrer wh/ldraWll. For purposclofddivClyor nOllO~ OJ <br />excculion, parlies include Buyer and Seller oe eaeh of the respeclive brokers or allomeys. The dale or Conlnel ("ECCeclive Date") will be the dale wben !.he 186t one of tho Buyer and Seller <br />has ,igncd lhit olTcr. A faCiimile eopy of lIJis COOl/8Cl aod any signaturcs hereon shall be cOllSidered for all purposcs as ao original. <br />IV. FINANCING: <br />!Xl ("J Tbj~ i~" cosh ItQn3oo.ioo with 00 ..onli"!l.nci~ lot lin.n"inl!; <br /> <br />( ] (b) This Contract is condilioned on Buyer olllalnlng a wrltren loap commltmenl wllhin _ daYI Incr Effective Dale lor (CHECK ONE ONt Y); ( }a fIXed; ( ] an adjuSlable; or I ], <br />lixed Dr alljU$llIble rale loan iP LlJe principal amOUnl of S , at an Irlltial lruercst talc not to exceed %, <br /><li~\l\\~ ond OliaiMlioll r~3 nol. W oxo.ed % or ptin"i pal o""",nt, and for atum of _ )'C'If&. Buyer will make applicarion Wilhill_ cl~ys V days irlcn blank) <br />allor BfCocliv. o..t. .nd un re""nabl~ dilis~n"~ to a loon <'ClInmhme".ond, .bOf..fter, to .alit.l)' tcrma ."d conditioM oflho conImilmo,,1 and olo~ It-o lolln. Buyer .ball po)' alllQan <br />expcnscs. Jf 13uycr fail, to obtoin a eOlllmill'llenl or rail, 14 waive Buyet', righls under thlo svbpansr;oph "".m.n tile ti",.. for 0\)lIi1\.ip8 .. commill'llotlt or, oEl"r dills..nt ..N'o", r.ils 19 tll~ct <br />IhelllfmS and conditions oflbe COlMlilment by the closing da te, then either party thueaner, by wrillen notice to tbe olher, may cancel this Contracland Buyer sbon be eefunded the deposit(s); 01 <br /> <br />( ] te) -rho exi~tins morls"Se, de6eTibc:d in P""'.erAl'b n(o) A\)ova, }IA,: [ ]" varia'ot~ ratej or ( ] Il ti,,~d int..r.SI rala of ~ pOI' nnnulIl, Al 11m" or tillo llon.for, <br />somc tiKed Inlere&l "le5 1/.l'C 5u.bjccllO illcrC85C; ir tncle.,ccl. lbe rate ,1I.Ullol excecd OJ. per annum, SeUer aboll furnisb l' 8lat~mt'nl uOm OIIe:h morlll"SCO 511ri1l8 LlJo <br />peincipal balance, mClhoo of paymenl, inlCrest rate and status of mortgage or aulhorizc Buyer or Closing Agent 10 oblain the same. If Buyer hIS al!recd 10 assume a morti'ell wbieb rCQuircs <br />approval ofOuyer by the mOrTgagee for assumption, Lhcn Buycr shall promptly obtain the nccClisary applicalion and dililll!fllly curoplelc and return It 10 the morrg~see. Any nlOJ1gage clmllc(s; <br />not to exceed S (I % olamount assumed iflcftblank), sl1all be paid by Buyer, (fBuyer is not accepted by mortgagce oe tbe fcqui~IllCnlS for assumption <br />are nOI in accordance wilh dIe tCfll11 of Ibis COPlJ'aCI Of mOrTgagee mikes a cbarge in excess of !he stated amount, Seller or Buyer may tescind Ibis ConuaCl by wrillen notice to the <br />omer pany unless clLllcr elCCIS t.Q pay lIIe increase in intcrcst rale 0' e~cess mOI'lIl~Bt chargca, <br /> <br />V. TITLE EVIOENCE: At ICBSI ~ days before eloslng dale, (CHECK ONLY ONE): IXl Seller shall, al Seller's expense, deliver to Buyer or Buyer'a alLorney; or { J Buyer shaUll Duyer'! <br />expcnse Oblftin (CHECK ONLY ONE): [ ] ab~\ract of ritle; or [XI lille insurance COmmillnenl (Wilb legible copiC! oC insltumcnLs listed as clteeptiona lu.cllcd thorelo) IlId. aRcr closing, an <br />owncrs policy of dtle Insurance. <br />VI. CLOSING DATE: Thil trannetion shall be closed aDd thc cloGing documcnls dclivered on ( S fa. a~_ndum) , unlC$B mcdi(icd by olher provisions <br />Dr this CantrocL <br />VII. lilESTIUCTlONS; :&....SEMENTSi J..tMtT4TIONS: Suyer oholll~ .itla GubjoolllO: c:omprclllo1l13i\'g lond UG" pl.ns, zonins, I'Rtrie:I,a"" ptcll:i.birian~ ol1d 01!>C( 1C'l\liremcnls impa$ed by <br />governmental authority; rc~ltiction~ and matlers appeatinS on \he pIal ot otheN/ise comma. la Ihe l\lbd,v';IOll; O\lI'LAlldil\S oil, &"4 lInd minefal righls of r~eord Wilhoul riSht of enU)/; public <br />ulility c8semcnll oC record (casements ate to be located contiJZUous to real property lines and not more thap 10 wel in width 85 10 the rear or frollllines Slid 1 1/2 fect in widlh II 10 Ihe .ide <br />lines, lllllen otherw15e .taled bereln); laxes for ycar of closing Ind subsequent years; assumed mortgagcs and purchllle money mongagC8. if any (if Iddilionol Hems, see addcndunl): <br />provided, lhal there exists at closing no violation of Ihc foregoing and none prevent usc of the Property fat mun i c i pa 1 use _ purposc(s). <br /> <br />vutoCCUPA.NCVl Seller W:lrratlll Illat th~ are ao psrtie. in occ\lpaa"y 011>.., \baa Seller~>>~~li~H~Kl)UfHI'iM~_~~X'Jf~r <br />~bc~NIKtJll)IDOtcllOM!JtJt!!KIjz9Gtil~Dl!~Dt:lCJJaMJX:i Seller sball deliver occupancy of ProllCJ'l)' to Buyer 81 time of c10sini unleu otberwise statcd herein If OCC\lpancy <br />it to be delinred before closing, Buyer assumes all risks of loss 10 Properly from dale or occupant:y, shall be fCsponsible and liable for maintenance from lbal IInle. alld shftlJ be deemcd <br />CD have acccpled Property in ill cxlsling condition IS of lime of taking occupanCy unleu othClWlSC slated herein. <br /> <br />IX. TYPEWRITTEN OR H,lNDWRlTIEN PROVISIONS: Typewrillen or Iundwriltcn p10visions, riders and addcndashall control all prinred proviaions oflhis Conlracl in conOicl Iltith them, <br /> <br />X, RIDERS: (CHECK lhose riders which are applicable AND are allaclled to mis Conlr8el)~ <br />( ) COMPRBIiENSIVB RID~R ( J HOMEOWNERS' ASSN, [ J COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CO'N'l'ROJ. UNB <br />I ) CONDOMINIUM' [ ]"1\5 IS" ( ] INSULA nON <br />{ ]VA/PHA [ )UAD-BASEDPAINT [XI Addendum <br /> <br />Xl. ASSIGNABILITY: (CHECK ONt Y ONE); Buyer [ ] may anign and thereby be n:leased from any further liabilily under this Contract; [ ] may assign but nOI be released from liDbililY <br />under Ihis Conlracl; or (Xl may nol assign !hit Contract. <br />xn, DISCLOSURES: <br />(a) Radon is 11lItllCally occurring ~di~active gas llIal wtlcn.acc~m1:'-la~ in a ~uilding ~n. 6uffi~iePll\Ua.ntitiee roB~ j)tesent health risks la,persons IIIno a1~ ellposed to it over timc. Levcla of radon <br />that exceed foderallnd state guldehnes have bccn Cound 1A bUlld1l12~ 111 Florid,. AddltlonallnCormatlon n:gardlDg Radon or !ladon lCttmg may be obtamed hom your CO\ll\ty Public Hcallh unit <br />(Il) Duycr aCknowledgcs receipt o(l/le florlda Building anersy-afllcleney Itlung :system Brocl\ure. <br />(,,) JClh. roal proJ.'~r1)1 includes PNl-',!l78 r<uid~l'ltilll boudos Ihell.lald-boSAd pli"l !idl\C is roandA1ofY. <br />(d) lfSellCf is a "fotcign pen;on" as delined by \he Fo~ign Investment in!lnl Property Tu Act, Ibe parties thall comply with thaI ACI. <br />(e) If Buyer will be obligaled 10 be a member of a homcowncrs' association, BU'r'ER SHOULO NOT EXECOTE THIS CONTRACT UNTIL BUYeR HAS RBCBIV8D l\ND 1l.EAD THE <br />HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCI'" lION DlSCJ..OSUM. <br />XUI. MAXIMUM REPAIR COSTSl Sellet shall nol be rcsponsible fOf payments ill ellCCSs ot. <br />(a) S NLA for Uealmcnt and repair under Standard 0 (if blank, then 2% oflhe Purchlllc Price). <br />(b) S ~A for repair and replaccment under Standanl N (ifbllmk, tben 3% oflhc Purchase Price). <br />XtY. SrECIAL CLAUSES; ADDENDA: If ~dditionallCrm$ .,., 10 be; provided, ~'lOCl1 ~ddctldurn .nd CHeCK HERE [ ]. <br />XV. STANDARDS FOR RgAL ESTAn: TR.4NMCTlONS: Slandlf~ A through Won thc revcriC 5ide or Illacbed are illcocporalCd as I pan of this Conll'ael. <br />THIS IS INTENDED TO DE A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF Not ruttY UNDEIlS'l'OOD. SEEl( THE ADVICE OF AN ATTOIUllEY PRIOR TO SlGNINC. <br />THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY 'THE FLORIDA ASSOCIA TJON OF REALTORS AN)) THE nORlDA BAR. <br />Approval .lacs not con.::lilule: a" opi,,;olt ,h", ""y ,,( ,,,<: /""'mot .....I ':O"Idit/Qn~ i" /M. Ca../,.aCl otllQltlJ bo fl/CCoplorl by 'h.. (XIrliG.t i" II p<zrrir;al..r ,....".....,;011, TCI'IN8 .."rJ cOllrJi/iOI1S ,liauld <br />be Ilt~rlDltId bDSed U~II Ihe J'e4pecllve 1,./.I'el/4, QbjeedllfJ alld bargol,.ill8 pt1SillollJ of 01/ III/ereSled perSOrlJ, <br />COPYRIGHT 1998 BY THE FLORIDA BAR AND THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS <br /> <br />ML12.~ <br />(Buycr) City of Sunny Isles Beach (Date) <br />Social Security or TBlll.D. " <br /> <br />(Sellcr) Golden Strand Internationar;- (D~- <br />Social Security or Tall 1.0. 1/ I nc . <br /> <br />COale) <br /> <br />(Buyer) (Date) (Sellee) <br /> <br />Social Seeurily or Till 1,0.11 Social Secutily ar1'lltlD.1I <br />D..po~jt\llldo' Paragraph It <a) r<<clved: IF OTHER THAN CASH, THeN SUBJECT TO CLEARANCE. ..Har.old M _ IU.U-, P _ A_ <br />BROKER.'S FEE; The brokua nllmed belaw, illc1udiPS USlin. ~nd cooperating brokera, are IIIC only lIrol(en enlillcClto compenntion in conllectlon willi lIJls COfttrllct: <br /> <br />Name: <br /> <br />(56ctQw Agem) <br /> <br />Coopeullll' Broker., llaa1 <br />FAIUB^Jl.-' Jl,e..i3"" 8/98 <br /> <br />Listing BrOKer <br />