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<br />0cr-U-UI vv'cV 0, I:J lI.lVI nll.l\VLV IVI l\lrll.0 fll. <br /> <br />STJ.NDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS <br />A" EVIDEN~E, OF TITLE: (I) An Ibs!(aCL of title prepared or brought CUtrellt by a repulllble and existing abstract firm (ihot exisling \hen certiticd IS COtfC(t by an elti,tinl1 firm) Ilullloning <br />to k.., al\ aoeurala Iynop.;. of Ihe inGtrum<>Ol3 arrelllins litle 10 Ihe r~al property recorded in Ille pUblic rCCQrd.$ of tile counly whercin tbe real property is located through EfTeclivll Dale, It <br />shall commence wi Ih the esdh:st public records, or such later date.s may be customary in the CQUflty. Upon dOSIng of this Conttact, \hc Ibstract shall becoll1e tbo property of Buycr, subjccI <br />to lhe righl of retenlion thercof by first mortgagee unril fUlly paId, (2) A title insurance commitment issued by 8 Florida licensed tille in5llrcl' agreeillg 10 iuuc Buyer. upon rceorllinll of Ibe <br />doad 10 JlUYfF, a~ ownor'. poll~ of .;110 iD3urance in d,,, a.mOUn! of tile purcbase price, insuring Buyer's tille to the real property, subjcct Ol\ly to licna, encumbrances, ucclltions or <br />qualifications provided ill Ibis Contracl and Ibose to be di.cbarl!ed by Seller al or before clolins. Seller .h.U c:onvt)' mark~lable lid. aubjeGI onl)' 10 lictl&, ~nc:utnbrancCl. exccptlons Ot <br />qualillcalions provided in this Conlfacl. Markclable titlll shllll ~ detcrmilled according to apllUCAble Title Standards adopted by autllorilY of The Florida Bar and in accordance with law. <br />Buy.r shall have 5 dl)'a f/'Om dale; of rocoivin; "...idene" of litl" to cumine it. IC title is !bund defCctlve, Buyer Shall within saiil , days noliey Seller in writing .pcci{ying thc dllttcl(s). 11 <br />de(ecl(s) render tille ul\Inarketable, Scllcr will bave 30 daY' (rom receipt of notice 10 remove lhe defectl, eanillS w.hicb Buyer shill, within five (5) doy. ancr expiration oftho Ihirly (30) d~) <br />period, deliver wrillcn notice to Seller either: (1) extctlding tbe lime for a reasonable period 001 to exceed 120 daya wilhin which Seller .ball use dili&cnt effort to remove \he dcfeelS: or (2) <br />"<l."''8lins .. 1.,!und of dopo~i\(s) poid ...hj"h .ha\ll:l" immediately relumel3 10 J:luycr, II Buyer rallS 10 so notifY SCller, Buyer shall be decmed to haYe accepted llIe tille as itlhen is. Seller <br />811all, iftltlc is found unmarketable. use diliaenl effon tQ COlTect defect(&) ",hhln the timo ptovided th....Afor. IrSeller ic unable.o timely c;orrOQt Jb.c dof~ta, Buy... ,ban..ilher wllve \he Qeretts, <br />or receive a refund of dcposlt(." thereby releasing 8uyer and Seller from III further obliaatiOll under \hia ConLract. If cvidenee of tillll is de\iveted to Buyer leu IhRn 5 days prior 10 c1osins. <br />Buyer may extend "lo~'n8 dat.. 'Dlhet Bu)"'t ,hall havc up to :; days /rom Clall! oC receipt ot evIdence oC title to eUl\une same in accordlnce with this Standard. <br />B. PURCHAS'E MONEY MORTGAGE; SECUlUTY AGREEMENT TO SELLER: A purehaS8 mone}' mortgage and mortgagc nole 10 Seller shall provide (or a gfRCC period in \he <br />eve~t of defaull if a first mongageand a 13-day grace period if a second or lesser OlOtlgalle; shall provid8 for right of prepaYOll!\It in whole or in pan wilhout pcnalLy: shall J)<ltmit 8ceele.ralion ill <br />ovon.1 of IranG'o, or .tbe ,rcol p.'~p"ny;, .h.1l r~q1lirc a!lprlor llena and encumbrances to 6e J(~pt In ~ood Ifal\dins Inll forbid modilicaliona of or ~ture advancea under prior mOrlllage(I); ablll <br />requIre Buycr to malnllln poliCies of In&uranee CQlllalnlna . staodard mortgagee c\aus.. c:ovel'Ul8 alllmprovemet\11 localed on th" real propc>r\)' OGIIl".t fire .nd a\l peril. mcludCCl within the lerm <br />"extended eOYl:rage endorsemcuts" and such olher risles and perils II Sellcr may reasonable require, in an amount equal to !.bcir highClI insurablo value; and thc morl.l!~l!c. note I"d Jccurity <br />ogf<'CmC"1 ahall be alherwile in Corm ond cOntent rCltuired by Seller: bul Seller ltIIy otIly fC<l,Uire clauses and coverage cUllomarily found ill mongllges, mOrlgagc nolea and Iccurit}' allreemellli <br />gcn.erallY u~i1i~ed by .~vinl!s and 10lln inSliMions ,or .tale or lIa~lon.a1 banlco loc~rcd in lb. eount)' ...herain ,the real 1'l'OPOl'lli i. locolQd. ^J1 penDnl' Jlrope;rtland leMe. !l<:il'!8 conv~d 01 <br />aSSigned Will, at 5cll~r ~ Oil lion, be subjeet to Ihe bCIl of 11 scr.un(y allreement t"ldcllced by reeorijed flnancmg IlaremllClt!l. f a balloon monglsa, the final Daymcnt will e~ccc:d the periodic <br />po)',netlls lherc:Dn, <br />C. SURVEY:Buyer, at Buyet'& elll)ense, wilhin time allolllCd to deliver evidence of lillA .nd to e>(.min~ ....0., may hav" tho ~l proPQfty 3Urvcyr:d .nd e;craitled by a reglstercd Florida <br />,ulVeyor. It Il)e aUI'Vey discloscs encroachments on tbe real propeJ1y or llIat improvemenf' located !.bereon encroaeb on selback lincs. easementS, lands of omcr. or violMe Iny re'trietion~, <br />Conl.roel co,"n.n\1 or applicable gov;rnmcntal regulatiOn, Il'le samf: shall conllitute a lltlc defec!. <br />D, TERMITES/WOOD DESTROYING ORGANISMS: l3uyer. al BU}'!:r'. expense. wilhin the lime aUowed tQ deliver cvidcnce of litle, may have !.be Property inspected by a Flolida <br />Cen\fied Pest Conlrol Operator ("Opera lor") to determinc if l.hece is any visible active termile inCf:slation or visible damage from termite Infeslation. excluding fCtl.CC8. If either or both :are <br />found, 13uycr sh,J1 have 4 daYI O'om date of written Dotice thercof wJlllln whiCh 10 have CQst of treatmenl, if rcquired, estimated by the Oporalor and III damage ill.pceled and C&limalcd by a <br />liccJ1&ed builder or lIetleral COtltraclor. Seller ,hili pay ...Iid oftrClllttlC:lll ~nd repair of an damasa up to th" amount l?ro~'idQd in Para.r'\lb XIn(a). IflClitimalc(J coatS exceed \hat amount <br />Buyer shall have lhe option of canceling thil Contract within S daY' after receipl of conlrietor's repair estimate by givmg Millen notice 10 Seller or Buyer m,y ~Icctto proceed willa lh~ <br />I"nsaclion, and lCCelve a credit It clOSing on the amount prOVided In Paragraph XITJ(a). "Termites" sliall be deemed to Include all wood desLroying organillflS required 10 be rcpoltedunder the <br />florida pe.L Control Act, as amended. <br />E,INGRESS AND EGRESS: Seller warrants alld f(!prcsents that there ia ingress arid egress to the real property sufficienl for its intended use as described in ParalZrapb vtI hereof, litl. <br />to wbic:h is in accordance wIllI Slonl1ard /I.. <br />F. LEASr.S: Seller sh~IJ, 1I0l leu Iha.n IS cllysbefore do.ine, Eumi.h to s.uYl'r e('pits of all WTiuaD 1<:a.QI and ">toppe' 10tloC$ frOm "."b l"nDl\t Ipc"ifYing lhe narureal\Cl duratiOn oC Ihe tenant" <br />occupancy, renlol rales, advanccd rcnt alld lecurity depQsilS paid by tenan\. If Scller is un~ble to obtain lueh letter from each lcnant, the same infonnation shall bll l\lmished by Seller 10 B\iycr <br />wilhin Ih~t lime pec,oc1 in rile rorm or a Seller's affidavlt, and Buyer may tbercaftcr eontactlen:lnt to confarm .ueh ioCormlltion. Sellet shall, It closing. delivcr and assign all ori&inall~D$cs 10 <br />Buyer. <br />C, LIENS: Sellcr sllall fIlmish to Buyer at time of closing an affidavit attcsling to \he abscnce, unless othcrwise Ilcovided for bereinl of 8Cl.y llnancinJl stMement. claims of licn or potel\lial <br />Iienors known to Sellcr. and 1Un~er altes~ing thallllcre bave ~ceo no Impro\'Cm~ts or repairs tQ '!Ic propcrty for 90 days immediately preccdillg date at clo&inS, If Ihe real property hILS <br />been Improved or repaired ....llhJr\ tblt lime, Seller .hall d..J.vcr r"lA"~<<' or WI Ivers or .0nslt\O.lIon llent ,,,ceutod by .\1 $ooot'Ol eontrt.Gtor., ....\)cQolrlleloll, luppllcrs Ino malerialmen in <br />addilioll 10 Seller's lien affidaVit sCllillg fonh tbll names oC all .uch general eontracters, lubconlractors, lIl11plicrs and materiall\len. further Imrnlil\Jl thaI ,II ch~rlCi 1'0. improvements or <br />rcpairs wlllcn eou\4 seI'Ve as a basis for a conslructlon J(el\ or a c:lalm Cor damBges have been paid or will be paid It the closing of Ibis Conll'act. <br />H. PLACE OF CLOSING: Closing shall b. held In the COUllI)' wb,rcin tho real prop<'ny isl_tsd al tb" office of tile; allClmc:y or othcr cloains .sonl ("Cloimg Agenl") dcsignarcd by Scller, <br />I. TIME: In compuling timc petiods of less than six (6) days, Saturdays, Sundays and state or national legal holiday. atlall be excluded. Any tlane pcriods provided (or hcrcin which .1.011 <br />enCl on a Saturday, SundRY, or alcsallloll<lay shall exlcnd to 5:00 p.m. orlbe next business dil)'. Time Is oCtlie eastllee ia Ibll Contract, <br />J. CI.OSING DOCUMiNl'S: Scllcr ,hAil (urlli.h. Ih~ d~ed, bill of ..t~, ool\$l\'UctioD lien arfidl"ir, owner'. poG~o~~ion oflid."il, .nignm"naa of h:nCll, lenanl and mongasce eStOppellcuera <br />and COlTeetiye inslrumenlS. Bllyer sholl fumi&h elo&illg statcment, mortgage, mortgage note, security agrcemenl and financing statements. <br />K. !:Xr!;N!~: Documentary allmps on the deed and tecording of eQl'\'eelille 11lstrument! shall be paid by Seller. Documentary Btamps and inlangible tax 0(1 the purchase moncy morlgagll <br />and any mortgage assumed, morrgagce Ii lie illSUranct commitment with relaled f"s, and recording of purchase moncy mortgage to Seiter, deed and finDncing .lar~nlent& ,ltall be paid by <br />Buyer. Unless othCtWise providcd by law or ridcr \0 t~is. Contra~l, ch~rges for Ihe followin8 related title services, namely title or ebslnct ellBflle. tille exaroilllltion, and seltlcn,,:nl and <br />closing fCc, shaUllc paid by Ihe p~rl)l responSible for furnlshmg the tIlle eVidence lD accordance wuh Paragraph V. <br />L. PIlOU 1'IONS: C~KD1TS: Tuc:c, "sc.un'OJ\I" ~l", inl~t.5I, i""uran~e and olhar e"PQtlse. of .he Propony Ghall be prorolGd throush Lb" dl)' bc;Co", r.loling, Buyer anall have Ihe oplion <br />of I.lcins ovcr uisting policies of insurance, if assumable, in whicll event premiums Ihall be proratcd, Cash at closilli .baU be increased or dce{ClScd as lIIIl/ be rCQUlred by \lrorotions to <br />bc made OIroug1loay prior to clOSIng, or occupancy, if occupancy occurs before dOling. Advance renL and scc:urily depoiits will be credited tQ Buyer. ~erow dcposits held by morrga'tO <br />will be ercdiLed to Seller, Talles sllall be pronted based on lIIe current yeats lall wilh due allowance made for ma~imum .llowable discQunl, bomeslcad and othel exemptions. If clolmg <br />occurs ar a dole whcll tile cUrrelll yeM's millage is nol tixed and C\Il'1ent yeats assessment is available, will be prorated based upon such assess.mClll and prior yellr'a millo(ll!, IE <br />eurrent year'a IIiscmnCl\1 is Dot available, thcn taxes will be prorated on \loor yeu's laX. If there are completed improvements OIllbe real properly by 1anuelY 1st at year of c1osi/'l8, which <br />improvomenls were nOI in ellielel')ee 01\ 1anuary IsI or prior year, lhon l,,~e;. .h"U bo proratc:d baaed UpDIl prior Y""r', and al aD equitable Issessmcnl tQ be Igrc:cd u~on oetween <br />lhe parties: tililinll which, requcst lhall be made to llIe County Property for In informal assessment !akin. into account aVlilsble exemptions, It. tIlt proralion bued On .n ""limal<< <br />sball,al rcquesl Ot eilher pMty. be readjusted upon receipt ofru bill On condition tbat a statement to that effect is signed at closing. <br />M. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LIENS: Cer.ific<l, contirmed Ind ntined special assessment liens as of date of closing (noL as of Effective Olte) are to be paid by Seller. Pending Iicns as of <br />dale of closing Ihall be ISsumcd by Bllycr. If the improvemenl has bcen substantially completed IS of Effeclive Date. any pelldj~ lien sll.1I be eonsidctl:d ce(tificd, conlirmed or ra\ilic:d <br />and Scller shall, at dosing, be charged an Imount equal to 11IelaSl qtimate or assessment for the improvemenl by the public body. <br />N.lNSI'EC1'lON. RJ::I'A1R. AND MAINTENANCE; S"lIor WOIT""lG rhat 010 <>cilinS, roof(ineludinr; the and 'offi~) ,nd "xlcrior lInd Imerlor wailS, fQIJ0tl8lion, seaw.ll. (or equlnlCl\l) <br />and doclcage do nol have any Visible Evidence of lealcsL water damage or strUctural damage Ind tIIal the septic tank. Dool. al1a,llplianees, mecbanical ilem~. h~ati"ll, eoolin8. elceuic.l. plumbins <br />sy&tems and nJsellinery are in Workill~ Condilion, Tile toregoing warranty shall be limited 10 the items specified unless otherwise provided in an addl,mdurn. Buyer mlY, II Buycr'a expense, have <br />in.poetion. mad" of Iho.e iI"lm wiuun 20 do)'o aftor Lho BffC<ltivo 0"10, by 0 1111'l\ Or indi"id".l\1 in bome ,"spec:tions and holding an occupational liceNe for IUCh purpose (It <br />reQuir~d) or by an a[lproprialely licensed Florida conlraClor. and Buyer sball, Drior to Buyer's OCCupancy but not nlore than 20 dalls aner :Effective Dale, repen in wrilins to Scncr .uc:h il~''''' Ihat <br />do nOI meCl lhe above Slllndards as to defcclS, Unless Buyer timely reports such defe<:ts, Buyer shall be deemed to have waived Sel!c(s walTantiCi IS 10 defectS oot repo~ed. Ie repairs or <br />roplaeement~ ato requirod 10 com~ly with thio Standord, Sollor shoU "Quse Ihen. t" b" madc and ahall pay up 1IO lIIo amoum provided in paragraplI )(1II(1l), Scller is not rcqulrec110 lIlalee rllpaln or <br />replacem~nls of a Cosmetic Condition unless caused by a defect Seller is resPollsible to repair or reDlaee. tf tile COSl for such r.:pair or replacement exceeds the amount provid~ .n PAraeraph <br />XJll(b). Buyer or Seller may elect LO pay such excess, failing which eirher pany may cancel this Contracl. If Seller i. unable to eOl'fl!et \he clcfetls prior 10 closing, tllo eosllhorcohhall be paid <br />into cscrow at closing. Seller &hllll, upon reasooable nOlica, proYide utilitica selViee and access to the Property for inspectionl, including a walk.lJ\rough prior 10 closing, 10 confirm IlIat all <br />items of\lcrSonalllropcrtr. are on mc rcal propct1y and, subjecl to \he fotepoina. Ihat all required rcpain Ind replacemenlS bave been m,de lUId that the Proper\.Y, includins, but not linlitcd 10, <br />lawn. shrubbery and poo , if any, has been mainllined in the eondilion elusting as of Effcc:tiv~ Date, ordinary wear and rear e)(eeptcd, For purposes of this Contract (a' "Working Condition.' <br />",<<ns op~ratio8 in \1\0. mOot'ncr in wbich \bo item ...... d".il!n"d to OP""'I"; (b) "Cosmetj" Coadition- melns lelthelle ImperJ\:eliolll tllal 00 1I0t affcet lhe working condillon or Ihe Hem, <br />including, bUl not limiLed 10: piLled mGreile: rnissinlt or tOm screens; fO.l!l!ed windowl: lcara. worn apols. or diseolof*riotl of floor coverinlla. llIallpaptr, or Willdolll t\'Qollllcnts; Mil ho)e.. <br />5crall:he.. denla, &Crapea, chIp' or caulk.ins in eeilinss. walls, nooring. fixtures, Or mirror.; and minor craeka ill Ooors, tiles, windows, driYtway&, sidcwalks, or pool dccka; and (c) cracked <br />roof liIcs, curling or worn Ihinglel, or limited roof life ,hall not be cOl\sidered defeeLS Sellcr must rep~ir or replace, 10 long as there is no evidence af aclllal kilos or leakage Of structural <br />dama~, but missinl! tiles will be Seller's responsibility to replacc or repair, <br />0, RIS.K Of' LOSS: If tbe Propetly is d,m,gcd by fire or olher casualty before closing and CQat of restoration docs not txeced 3% of me II$sessed valuation of Iho Propel1y sa damaged, <br />OD.l of ",.Iorati"n .h.1I b~ IIn o&li&lItion of .sellor .nd elOlllng ob.1l proc:"ll pu.suant to lh~ lerms ot mil Conrrael wlrll restoralion costS escrowcd al closing, If the COSl of restoration ueccd. <br />3% of the assessed valuation of \he ProD~ so damall:cd. Buyer s~a~lllave tbe ootion of ,:ilhcr takioll tbe ~roll~rl,y as is, tOllethor with ei\bcr the )0/. at Iny insurane", proce.ds payable <br />by virtue of such loss or damage, or of cancehng thiS Contrael and receiving return of the deposlt(a). <br />P. PROCEEDS OF SALE; CLOSING PROCEDURE: The deed shall be re(;ordcd upon clearance of funds. If an abstrael of litle bas been furnished. evidence of tjlle sball ~ conlinued al <br />Buyet's ea;pllnS8 tQ sbow litle in Buyer. wilhoul allY encumbrances or chanee which would render Seller's title U1\fIlarketable from \be date of Ihc loll evidenc:e, All cto.ins p..,.,.,.,d. shAU <br />be held in ClCrow by Scllcr'l ellorney or olher mutually acceptable c5erow agent fur I period Qf not more than S da)'$ aller closing dll1e, If Sellcr'a lille i~ woderell unm~rkcl~blc, tIIrougb <br />no l'iaulr of Buy~r, Buycr Ihall, wilhin me '-da)' period, notify Seller In wrlllng of me del'ccr and Seller sllallllave 30 days nOm Clate of receIpt of such nolificatlon to Clure llIe deltct. Ir Seller <br />fail, 10 dml!ly cllce lbe defect. all de1)Osit(.) Ind closilUl funds shall. upon wrilten clelNncl bll Buyer and ",i\hin 5 day. alter demand. be Nturned 10 Buyer Ind, .imull.neously with .ueb <br />repaymcnt, Buyer shall rcturn Ihe personal propeny, vacate the real propertY and reconvey \he Property to Seller by special walTanty deed and bill of eale. If Burer fails to nlake lirndy <br />demand for refund, Bu~cr shll\1take title as IS, ~alving a\1 rights against ~ell~r IS to anY,intCl\'cning defecleJtccpt 8.'l may bllavail8l?Ie to B,uyer by virtue ofw~rnnlJcs COlllllined in lho dced <br />or bill of sale. If a portiOn of the purebasa price IS 10 be derIved from InstlluUOllal fjnancJne or re.lina.oell\.fl. requ,remenl. of the lencllne; Jnstltullon IS to pl:lCe. tIme of dll)l and proc:o:durt" for <br />closing. and for disbursemenl of mortgage proceeds shall eOl\trol over contrary provision in thia Contr~cl Seller shall have the right to require crorn tile lendinll inslilulion 8 wrinen <br />commilmenl llIal II will nor willlllOlc1 c1[sburacmcl\t of mOrtS.Se procecds as a resUlr of any title deCecl anrilllllablll 10 Du~er.mortgllgor. ihe escrow and closing prOCCd~re required by llliS <br />Standard .hll be wlived it lbe titlc IlIent Iqsut't!s advef!e mallen pur.uanlto Seelioll 627,7841, F.S.. IS amended. <br />Q, ESCROW: Any escrow agent ( Agcnt") receiving funds or equivalent is authorized and agreca by aeceplance of thcrn 10 deposit t\lel1l pnlmptly, hold same in CScrOw and, lubjeet 10 <br />clelll1lnce disburse them in accordance with terms and conditions of this Conlract, Failure of funds to clear &ball nol excuse Buyer'a performance. If in doubllS 10 Agcpt's dUlies or liabilities <br />under t1\~ provisiol\s oC Ihi. Conlract, Aacnt may. at ABell~' option. col\tinue to hold lbe .ubject melter of Ihe escrow unlil 'M par'l;ell hendo .er.... to ilo o;$bunc:rncnl or ulllil . judll.n,cnl <br />of a court of compelenl jurisdiction shall determine mc rights of !he parties, or Agent may dcposilsame with the clerk of the circuit cou~ having jurisdiclion of Ibe diipule. Upon nOlirying all <br />partiel concerned Qf auch aCtion. allli~bilitY on lhe p\l~ of "geM shali rully terminale, excepllO the e:'llenl of accountang for any items preVIOUSly dclJverell OUI or escrow, If a liccrn;cd real <br />e.tale brokcr. AllCll1 will comply with prov,.iona of ChlPler a75, F,S" IS smended, Any .uit between Buyer alld Soller wherein All"nl Is made a po"y bc:c<<u,.. of ..ling .. Allcfl. hOtololnd"r, <br />or in any Iuil wherein Agent intClJlle~ds thc subject mailer or the escrow, Agent .hall recover reB&onable altorney'a fees and cost, i/lCUNcd wilh these amounts to be paid from .nd 011I oC <br />the escrowcd IUnds or equivalent and charg~d and ,warded as court cosls in favor 01 tho prevailing party. The Agent Ihall not be liable to any party or pcrsou for misdelivery to Buyer (II <br />Seller of ilc:ms subjeCI to lha UerOlll, unless .uch rrtisoelivery i' due lo willful breecb oC tile provis;oM oClhis Conll"8ct or atO" ncsligCl\ce of Aaent. <br />R, A'ITORNEY'S FElS; COSTS: In any litigation. including breach, enforcement or intelprclarion. srising out of Ibis Conl1act, !he prr;vailing party in such litigalion, whid\, Cor plllpO$es of <br />IIl\S 5IaMarl!, &hail include Sellcr, Buyer BnO any brokers acting in agency or nonagcncy relalionsl1ips aullaoflzed by Chapler 475. r.5., as ameDded, .Ilalllle cnlille<lto recover from Ihc <br />1\0n-prevAiling party tC~lotlAble 'UOtOfl)/'s fees. corlS Ind expcMe,. <br />S. FAILURt OF l'E1lFORMANCE: If Buyer fails to perform thiS Contract within lllc lime spccificd, including paymenl of all deposits, lhe deposil(S) !laid by Buycr and deposit(s) agreed to <br />be paid, may be recoyered anLl ret~ineLl by anll fur me accounl of Seller as lI~re~'II upon Iiquidllll:d damages, consideranon for the execution or mls ContNCt and 11\ fUlllettlemem of any <br />elaims: whereupon. Buyer and Seller .b~1I be relieved of III obligations unoer lhi. Conrracl; or SeUer. at Seller'a oplion. mlY proceed in equit)lLO Ctlfot<!l! Sallot's rlshtt; und.... lhi. ConLr..I, <br />If for any rCllion other than failure of Seller to make Seller'1 tille markelable after diligenl effort, Seller fails. neglcc:lS or refuses 10 \lccform this Contract, Buyer may seek spccific perrOrlndnCe <br />or elccl to rcc:eive Ibc rcturn or Buyer'S Cleposit(S) wilhOUt lllerelly waivl/IS aoy aelioo Cot damages reSUI\ing fronl ScllCl"s breach. <br />T. COJllTRACT NOT RECORDABLE: PER.SONS BOUND; NOnCE: Neitber this Contract tlor Iny I\o\iee of It sha.11 be recorded in any public reco.ds. Thi, Contract shall bind and inure <br />10 lhe benefit of the panies and their sueccssofl in interest. Whcnever \he context permits, lingular shall include plural and one gender Ihall include all. Notice given by or to the attorney <br />lOr any pany shall be II effCC:live as if Biven by or 10 thll ratty, <br />U. CONVEY A!\lCE: Seller sball convey litlc to \he rC<l property by st~tutory w~(T~nty. troslee's. perSOnal r~prescnl,tive's or lu~rdi~,,'s deed, a. ap"ropri<lle 10 the slatus o( Seller. .ubjc:ct <br />only to maLleu cQnlained ill Paragrapb VII and tbose atllelWise aceepled by Buyer, Personal proplll'lY shall, at !he request of Buyer, be tral1sferred by an Ibsolute bill of nle wilh warranly <br />of ull~, .UbjGCI ani)' to auch mall"r. .. may btl OLhtlrwl.lS pravid~d for be"'in. <br />V, OTHER ACREEMENTS: No orior or prCSIll\lagreet1ltll\lS or rellreSe1llatiuns shall be bintlin~ upon Buyer or Seller unless included in tbis Contner. No Illodilic:alion to or chanse in thi, <br />COlllraCl shall be valid or binding upon the parlies unless in writing and executed by lbe party or pirtics itllcnded 10 be bound by it <br />~. W ARR.ANTY: Seller tVarf*nls Ihat Ibere are no facla known 10 Seller materially affecting the value of Ihe Properly which arc not readily obscl'VlIblo by Buyer or which bave nOI been <br />dIsclosed to Buyer. <br /> <br />Buyer ( ) ( ) and Seller ( ) ( ) acknowJed2:e receipt of a copy of this page. <br />P"'RlBAR.~ Rev. 1IIY8 COPYRIGHT 1998 THE FLORJDA BAR AND T}ffi PLOlijO^ MSOClATIOJII OP REALTORSGll <br /> <br />ri\.A ;W, <br /> <br />jU::lTOOL tltlL::l <br /> <br />r, <br /> <br />it <br />