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<br />of a residential area of about 96 acres, bounded from west to east by North Bay Road and Collins Avenue. <br />and from south to north by NE 174 Street and NE 183 Street. <br /> <br />The proposed storm drainage improvements involve the construction of ex-filtration piping systems <br />including the following main elements: <br />· Drainage Structures (91 Units) <br />· Manholes (37 Units) <br />· Storm Sewer Collection System (11.900 Linear Peet) <br />· Ex-filtration System (6.100 Linear Feet), <br />· Drainage Wells (24 units) <br />· Milling and Resurfacing (35,421 Square Yards) <br /> <br />The project governing standards and specifications are: <br />· 2004 Plorida Department of Transportation Roadway and Traffic Design Standards <br />· 2004 Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction <br />· Miami-Dade County Public Works Manual Parts I and II. <br /> <br />The implementation of the project will be as follows: The project final design plans are completed. Bids <br />will be due by January 2005. Construction is to be completed in twelve (12) months. The preliminary <br />construction cost estimate for this project is $ 4 million. <br /> <br />The City shall be responsible for the satisfactory completion of all work under this Statement of Work. This <br />Statement of Work will focus on activities that include the following tasks: <br /> <br />Task 1: Engineering Design and Permitting <br />Task 2: Preparation of Bid Documents and Specifications <br />Task 3: Construction., Construction MonitorinW'Monthly Reports <br />Task 4: Construction Certification <br /> <br />The Project will meet the regulatory requirements of all government agencies with pennitting jurisdiction. <br /> <br />WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE <br /> <br />At the end of each task, the City shall deliver Three (3) copies of the task deliverables to the District. The <br />District shall distribute the copies to the FDEP for its information and use. The City shall also provide a <br />summary of the project including estimated cost to the District upon completion of Task 3. The District <br />shall distribute the project summary including estimated cost to the designated coordinator for the Local <br />Mitigation Strategies Group for its information and use. <br /> <br />Proiect Management <br /> <br />The City, or its designated consultant, as applicable, is responsible for project management, budget <br />management and quality control. The City is responsible for reviewing and approving deliverables from the <br />consultant to ensure that the project objectives are met. <br /> <br />Page 2, Exhibit "e", Statement of Work, OTOS0655 <br />