<br />Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program
<br />Florida Department of Law Enforcement
<br />
<br />Standard Conditions
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />Conditions of agreement requIring compliance by units of local government (subgrant recipients),
<br />implementing agencies and state agencies upon signed acceptance of the subgrant award appear in
<br />this section, Upon approval of this subgrant, the approved application and the following terms of
<br />conditions will become binding, Failure to comply with provisions of this agreement will result in
<br />required corrective action up to and including project costs being disallowed and termination of the
<br />project, as specified in item 17 of this section,
<br />
<br />1. All Subgrant Recipients must comply with the financial and administrative requirements set
<br />forth in the current edition of the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs
<br />(OJP) Financial Guide and Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)
<br />Program Guidance as well as Florida laws and regulations including the Florida
<br />Administrative Code Chapter 11D-9, Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law
<br />Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant Program. Further, the Subgrant Recipient agrees
<br />to comply with all Federal statutes, regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements,
<br />including OMB Circulars A-21, A-110, A-102, A-122, A-133, A-87, as applicable; E.O. 12372
<br />and Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements 28 CFR,
<br />Part 66, Common Rule and Part 67, Drug-free Workplace.
<br />
<br />2. Allowable Costs
<br />
<br />a, Allowance for costs incurred under the subgrant shall be determined according to the general
<br />principles of allowability and standards for selected cost items set forth in the OJP Financial
<br />Guide, U,S. Department of Justice Common Rule for State And Local Governments and
<br />federal OMB Circular A-a7, "Cost Principles for State. Local and Indian Tribal Governments",
<br />or OMB Circular A-21, "Cost Principles for Educational Institutions",
<br />
<br />b, All procedures employed in the use of federal funds for any procurement shall be according
<br />to U,S, Department of Justice Common Rule for State and Local Governments, or OMB
<br />Circular A-110, or OMB Circular A-102, and Florida law to be eligible for reimbursement.
<br />
<br />3. Reports
<br />
<br />a, Project Performance Reports - JAG Countywide Only
<br />
<br />(1) Reporting Time Frames:The subgrant recipient shall submit Quarterly Project
<br />Performance Reports to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, hereafter known as
<br />the Department, by February 1, May 1, August 1, and within forty-five (45) days after the
<br />subgrant termination date, In addition, if the subgrant award period is extended beyond
<br />the "original" project period, additional Quarterly Project Performance Reports shall be
<br />submitted,
<br />
<br />Failure to submit Quarterly Performance Reports that are complete, accurate and timely
<br />may result in sanctions, as specified in item 17, Performance of Agreement Provisions,
<br />
<br />(2) Report Contents: Performance reports must include both required sections, the
<br />quantitative response (in response to specific objectives and measures) and the
<br />qualitative narrative, The narrative must reflect on accomplishments for the quarter,
<br />incorporate specific items specified for inclusion in performance measures, and also
<br />identify problems with project implementation and address actions being taken to resolve
<br />the problems,
<br />
<br />SFY 2007
<br />
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