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<br />Rule 6.05. <br /> <br />DECORUM <br /> <br />Any person making impertinent or slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing <br />the Commission shall be barred from further appearance before the Commission by the presiding <br />officer, unless permission to continue or again address the Commission is granted by the majority vote <br />of the Commission members present. <br /> <br />No clapping, applauding, heckling or verbal outbursts in support or opposition to a speaker or his or <br />her remarks shall be permitted. Signs or placards may be disallowed in the Commission chamber by <br />the presiding officer. Persons exiting the Commission chambers shall do so quietly. <br /> <br />PART 7. RULES OF DEBATE <br /> <br />Rule 7.01. <br /> <br />RULES OF DEBATE <br /> <br />(a) QUESTIONS UNDER CONSIDERATION. On any agenda item, in order for debate <br />to ensue, the presiding officer shall call for a motion to accept the matter at hand, whether it <br />is an ordinance, resolution, motion, etc., for "discussion purposes only" and upon receipt of <br />a second to that motion, debate may begin. When a motion is presented and seconded, it is <br />under consideration and no other motion shall be received thereafter, except to adjourn, to <br />lay on the table, (to lay the pending question aside temporarily when something else of <br />immediate urgency has arisen), to postpone, or to amend the motion until the question is <br />decided. These motions shall have preference in the order in which they are mentioned and <br />the first two shall be decided without debate. Final action upon a pending motion may be <br />deferred until a date certain by a majority of the members present. If, after debate, the motion <br />requires amendment, then the Commissioner making a motion shall state as follows: "I move <br />we adopt Ordinance (resolution) as read" ["as amended" by Commissioner 1- <br />The City Attorney or the City Clerk may request and/or assist with a restatement of the <br />motion for the record. The Commissioner seconding said motion shall say "I second the <br />motion ["as amended"]." <br /> <br />(b) AS TO THE PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mayor, as presiding officer, shall not <br />move or second an item of debate. The presiding officer, however, upon relinquishing the <br />chair, may move or second an item, vote, subject only to such limitations as are by these rules <br />imposed upon all members. <br /> <br />(c) GETTING THE FLOOR, IMPROPER REFERENCES TO BE AVOIDED. Every <br />member desiring to speak for any purpose shall address the presiding officer, and upon <br />recognition, shall be confined to the question under debate avoiding all personalities and <br />indecorous language. <br /> <br />-10- <br />