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<br />(d) INTERRUPTION; CALL TO ORDER; APPEAL A RULING OF THE CHAIR. <br />A member once recognized shall not be interrupted when speaking unless it be a call to order <br />or as herein otherwise provided. If a member be called to order, the member shall cease <br />speaking until the question of order be determined by the presiding officer, and ifin order, the <br />member shall be permitted to proceed. Any member may appeal to the Commission from the <br />decision of the presiding officer upon a question of order when, without debate, the presiding <br />officer shall submit to the Commission the question, "Shall the decision of the chair be <br />sustained?" and the Commission shall decide by a majority vote. <br /> <br />(e) TIME LIMIT FOR DEBATE. Debate on any motion pertaining to an item on the <br />consent agenda shall be limited to two (2) minutes. After two (2) minutes of debate the item <br />shall be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular City Commission agenda. <br />The discussion by the Commissioners on anyone item shall not exceed one-half(l/2) hour. <br /> <br />(f) PRIVILEGE OF CLOSING DEBATE. The Commissioner sponsoring or moving the <br />adoption of an ordinance, resolution or motion shall have the privilege of closing the debate. <br /> <br />(g) METHOD OF VOTING. After the debate is closed, and/or the motion is restated if <br />necessary, the presiding officer shall call for a vote on the motion. Voting shall be by roll call <br />or voice vote, or paper ballot (at the decision of the majority of the Commission in certain <br />circumstances) depending on whether the ballot is on an ordinance or resolution or motion. <br />Ordinances require a roll call vote by calling the names of the Commissioners alphabetically <br />by surname, except that the names shall be rotated after each roll call vote, if requested, so <br />that the Commissioner who voted first on a preceding roll call shall vote last upon the next <br />subsequent matter; provided, however, that the presiding officer, if a member of the <br />Commission, shall always cast the last vote. <br /> <br />The Clerk shall call the roll, tabulate the votes, and announce the results. The vote upon any <br />resolution, motion or other matter may be by voice vote as previously noted, provided that <br />the presiding officer or any Commissioner may require a roll call to be taken upon any <br />resolution or motion. <br /> <br />(h) EXPLANATION OF VOTE; CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. There shall be no <br />discussion by any Commissioner voting, and the Commissioner shall vote yes or no. Any <br />Commissioner, upon voting, may give a brief statement to explain his or her vote. A <br />Commissioner shall have the privilege offiling with the Clerk a written explanation of his or <br />her vote. Any Commissioner with a conflict of interest on a particular matter shall refrain <br />from voting or otherwise participating in the proceedings related to that matter and may leave <br />the Commission chambers until the consideration of that matter is concluded. Any such <br />Commissioner who does not leave the chambers shall be deemed absent for purposes of <br />constituting a quorum, counting the vote, or for any other purpose. <br /> <br />(i) TIE VOTES. Whenever action cannot be taken because the vote of the <br />Commissioners has resulted in a tie, the status quo shall continue in effect and the proposed <br />ordinance, resolution or motion that produced the tie vote shall be removed from the agenda <br /> <br />-11- <br />