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<br />(e) ZONING EXCEPTION. The provisions ofthis Rule 5.06 shall not be applicable to <br />zoning resolutions which shall be governed exclusively by Chapter 33 of the code. <br /> <br />(t) NO COMMISSION JURISDICTION. Prior to the Commission's considering any <br />resolution over which the Commission does not have substantive jurisdiction, including <br />resolutions expressing the Commission's intent or opinion, a preliminary vote shall be taken <br />to determine whether it is appropriate for the Commission to consider such resolution. Unless <br />the Commission, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present, agrees to consider the <br />resolution, the resolution shall be deemed to have failed. If the Commission agrees to <br />consider the resolution, the resolution shall be heard after all other resolutions sponsored by <br />Commissioners have been addressed by the Commission. If the Commission decides to <br />discuss such resolution, the resolution shall require a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote ofthe <br />Commissioners present in order to be passed. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply <br />to resolutions relating to state or federal legislative priorities. <br /> <br />(g) COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION. No resolution or ordinance for second reading, <br />unless it pertains to administrative issues as opposed to policy issues, shall be considered by <br />the Commission until after it has been reviewed by the appropriate committee or committees. <br />The City Attorney shall forward Commissioner-sponsored resolutions and ordinances to an <br />assistant City Manager or department director for placement on the appropriate committee <br />agenda prior to the item's appearing on the Commission agenda. Notwithstanding the <br />foregoing, the Commission, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire membership, and upon <br />good cause shown in writing, may vote to consider any ordinance or resolution before it has <br />gone to the appropriate committee or committees. These items shall be listed separately on <br />the agenda. All items submitted to committee shall be discharged by the committee within <br />forty-five (45) days. If the committee fails to discharge timely, the item shall be deemed to <br />have been considered by committee. <br /> <br />(h) WHEN ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY RESOLUTION OR ORDINANCE. Any <br />actions of the Commission may be taken by motion, resolution or ordinance except that any <br />action of the Commission which provides for raising revenue, appropriating funds or incurring <br />indebtedness (other than refunding indebtedness), or which provides a penalty or establishes <br />a rule or regulation for the violation of which a penalty is imposed, shall be by ordinance. <br /> <br />(i) ORDINANCES AFFECTING MUNICIPALITIES. Any proposed City ordinance <br />which would directly affect the jurisdiction or the duties of municipalities and their officers <br />shall be brought forward for second reading no sooner than six (6) weeks after its passage on <br />first reading. Immediately following the board's approval ofthe ordinance on first reading, the <br />Clerk of the City Commission shall notify each municipal Clerk in the City of the approval on <br />first reading of each such ordinance by the City Commission together with the date on which <br />public hearing and second reading is scheduled to be held. This subsection shall be construed <br />as directory only, and failure to comply with the provisions hereof shall not affect the validity <br />of any ordinance. <br /> <br />-7- <br />