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<br />(b) AUTHORITY TO PLACE ITEMS ON AGENDA. Matters may be placed on the <br />agenda by any City Commissioner, the Manager, the City Attorney and the Clerk of the <br />Commission. <br /> <br />(c) APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Unless a reading of the minutes ofa meeting is <br />requested by a majority of the Commission, such minutes, when approved by the Commission <br />and signed by the presiding officer and the Clerk, shall be considered approved without <br />reading; provided that the Clerk shall place a copy of the minutes of each meeting, as soon <br />as they have been completed, at a designated place in the Clerk's office where they may be <br />examined by the Commissioners prior to formal approval. All minutes shall be summary in <br />nature and not verbatim. A copy of such minutes shall, upon completion by the Clerk, be <br />delivered to the City Manager and City Attorney. The minutes of prior meetings may only <br />be approved by a majority of the Commissioners present at a meeting of the Commission, and <br />upon such approval shall become the official minutes. <br /> <br />Rule 5.06. <br /> <br />ORDINANCES. RESOLUTIONS. MOTIONS. CONTRACTS. <br /> <br />(a) PREPARATION AND ENACTMENT OF ORDINANCES. The City Attorney, <br />when requested, shall prepare ordinances and resolutions. Ordinances may be introduced <br />and <br />listed by title and shall be read by title only before consideration by the Commission on first <br />reading. On first reading of ordinances there shall be no discussion by either City <br />Commissioners, City staff or members of the public unless otherwise decided by the Mayor. <br />On first reading only, the Commission may either vote for all ordinances in one vote or may <br />vote separately on any ordinance. At public hearing, each ordinance shall be voted on <br />individually by a call of the roll. Only resolutions and motions may be enacted by voice vote <br />calling for "ayes" or "no" on the question. <br /> <br />(b) APPROVAL BY CITY ATTORNEY. All ordinances, resolutions and contract- <br />documents, before presentation to the Commission, shall have been reduced to writing and <br />shall have been appro~ed as to form and legality by the City Attorney. Prior to presentation <br />all such documents may be referred to the head of the department under whose jurisdiction <br />the administration of the subject matter of the ordinance, resolution or contract document <br />would devolve. <br /> <br />( c) INTRODUCTION AND SPONSORSHIP. Ordinances, resolutions and other matters <br />and subjects requiring action by the Commission must be introduced and sponsored by a <br />member of the Commission, except that either the Manager or the City Attorney may present <br />ordinances, resolutions and other matters or subjects to the Commission for consideration, <br />and any Commissioner may assume sponsorship thereof by moving that such ordinance, <br />resolution, matter or subject be adopted in accordance with law; otherwise they shall not be <br />considered. <br /> <br />(d) SUNSET. There is no requirement for any ordinance to contain a sunset provision. <br /> <br />-6- <br />