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<br />Should no quorum attend within thirty (30) minutes after the hour appointed for the meeting of the <br />Commission, the presiding officer or the City Clerk may close the meeting until another hour or day <br />unless by unanimous agreement, those members present select another time. The names of the <br />members present and their action at such meeting shall be recorded in the minutes by the Clerk. <br /> <br />Rule 5.05. <br /> <br />AGENDA <br /> <br />(a) ORDER OF BUSINESS. There shall be an official agenda for every meeting of the <br />Commission which shall determine the order of business conducted at the meeting. The order of <br />business shall be as follows: (1) call to order/roll call of members, (2) pledge of allegiance and <br />invocation, (3) approval of minutes, (4) order of business (additions/deletions), (5) special <br />presentations, (6) Zoning matters, unless heard by special meeting or as otherwise decided by the <br />Commission, (7) ordinances submitted for first reading may be handled as a consent agenda at the <br />pleasure of the Commission, public hearings, which are not ordinances and/or which shall be held at <br />specially scheduled time, if the notice so states, (8) ordinances submitted for second reading/public <br />hearing, (9) resolutions, (10) motions, (11) discussion items, (12) citizens' forum: requests,_ofthe <br />Commissioners determines to deviate from the printed agenda. The Commission shall not take <br />petitions and other communications, (13) adjoumment~ Items shall be considered in the order in <br />which they are placed on the agenda unless a majority action upon any matter, proposal, or item of <br />business, which is not listed upon the official agenda, unless a majority of the entire Commission <br />shall have first consented to consideration of the matter. No ordinance, resolution or other matter <br />listed on the agenda for public hearing or the vote thereon may be deferred until a later time unless a <br />majority of the entire Commission shall vote in favor of such deferral. <br /> <br />(b) AUTHORITY TO PLACE ITEMS ON AGENDA. Matters may be placed on the <br />agenda by any City Commissioner, the City Manager, the City Attorney and the City Clerk. <br /> <br />(c) APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Unless a reading of the minutes of a meeting is <br />requested by a majority of the Commission, such minutes, when approved by the Commission and <br />signed by the presiding officer and the City Clerk, shall be considered approved without reading; <br />provided that the City Clerk shall place a copy of the minutes of each meeting, as soon as they have <br />been completed, at a designated place in the City Clerk's office where they may be examined by the <br />Commissioners prior to formal approval. All minutes shall be summary in nature and not verbatim. <br />The minutes of prior meetings may only be approved by a majority of the Commissioners present at a <br />meeting of the Commission, and upon such approval shall become the official minutes. <br /> <br />Rule 5.06. <br /> <br />ORDINANCES. RESOLUTIONS. MOTIONS. CONTRACTS. <br /> <br />(a) PREPARATION AND ENACTMENT OF ORDINANCES. The City Attorney, <br />when requested, shall prepare ordinances and resolutions. Ordinances may be introduced and listed <br />by title and shall be read by title only before consideration by the Commission on first reading. On <br /> <br />Amendment ofD- 98-16 Rules of Procedure <br />Legislation! Attorney <br />LMD:ch <br />10/19/00 - 1:58 PM <br /> <br />-5- <br />