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<br />7. On the environmental status of the property, I know that there has been some audits done and <br />available, and assuming turning the property over in an environmentally clean condition, the <br />City being responsible for delivering an environmentally clean site? <br />Yes, that is the approach you should take. If that is ultimately found not to be the case, <br />we will work that out separately. A Phase I has been completed. So far nothing has <br />jumped out at us. <br /> <br />8. It says in the RFP that the developer will be responsible for the County's Impact Fees. Will <br />the developer be responsible for City Impact Fees, or As-Built Fees? <br />No fees will be required to be paid to the City for City permits, HOWEVER all <br />procedures will be required to be followed and all permits must be obtained. <br /> <br />9. Would Site Plan Review be required, or will this be considered a municipal building in its <br />entirety not needing to be built for a public hearing? <br />This has to go for Site Plan Approval. <br /> <br />10. And that's available? <br />Yes. <br /> <br />11. What criteria are you looking for on green, how green does this project have to be? <br />It will enhance your proposal if you indicate genuine green enhancements. Having been <br />involved in it for many years, LEEDS is not necessarily what we are looking for. <br />Sometimes those are genuine enhancements, sometimes it is paperwork. We are looking <br />for a sustainable, environmentally friendly facility, and that should be the criteria, not <br />meeting somebody's paper standards. <br /> <br />12. In the proposal itself, it is calling for a 350-space parking facility, and at the beginning of this <br />meeting, you said approximately 350. How hard and fast is that 350 number? <br />If it comes out to 349 that wouldn't be any reason to negatively review your proposal, if <br />it comes out to 200, we wouldn't consider your proposal. <br /> <br />13. Has the City ever received a proposal to develop the land? <br />We are here today to get the best product for the City that we can. <br /> <br />14. Is there an offer on the table already, has one been made to the City? <br />No, not to me. <br /> <br />15. Will there be a short list process, and how many proposals will be short listed? <br />Yes, and how long the short list will be depends on what we get. We are guessing that <br />there is not a long list of proposers on something like this. It is fairly unique. But that is <br />the concept, we will go through the short list, and go into much more detail with each of <br />the members on the short list, and then figure out the best overall package at the end of <br />the process. We want to go into a partnership with the proposer, and together create an <br />end product that is good for everyone. Calvin Giordano has been selected as the <br />Consultant to help us review the proposals. There are going to be a lot of technical <br />issues that are fairly complex, and so they are the guys who will help walk us through <br />that process with their team of experts. Jack Luft will also be helping us and will be <br />looking at the usage aspects of how this enhances our community and helps the residents <br /> <br />Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference QA 101510 (2) <br /> <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />