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<br />~Il <br />A-D-A <br />.:M~I""."'I:M:JII~~I""["" <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN <br /> <br />ADA has been providing professional engineering services throughout Florida for over 26 years. A major portion of <br />our workload has been attributed to repeat business - this has been due in part to the quality of deliverables and <br />service we provide to our clients. This quality stems from development of a proven Project Management Plan that <br />is tailored and implemented for each major project. This plan is to provide the ADA Team with management tools <br />to efficiently implement every task assigned in accordance with the County's guidelines, technical expectations, <br />schedule and budget. <br /> <br />ADA is comprised of a multi-disciplinary group of personnel with extensive working experience with the <br />municipalities and local agencies. This group will be unified under the direction of the ADA Project Manager into an <br />efficient, capable, and well-integrated unit. The quality of the work produced by these resources will be the <br />responsibility of ADA. The Project Management Plan defines protocols to ensure that the team operates as a unit <br />to provide the best work products to the City. This plan is comprised of the following key elements: <br /> <br />. Team Organization and Responsibilities <br />. Communication Protocols <br />. Management Systems/Procedures <br />. Cost and Schedule Control Procedures <br />. Document Control Protocols <br />. Quality Assurance and Control Plan <br /> <br />Effective communication and coordination with team members, the City's Project Manager and technical staff, and <br />governmental and private stakeholders is crucial to overall project success. The communication protocols defined <br />in the Project Management Plan will guide the communications and interactions between the Project Managers and <br />technical staff. Once the project is awarded, the ADA Team Project Manager will serve as the principal point of <br />contact between the City and the team. ADA's management team and key technical staff will be introduced at the <br />project initiation meeting. ADA will also develop communication protocols consistent with the City's communication <br />requirements. Our goal is to have a set of functional protocols that will further continuous communication between <br />the project team and the County throughout the life of the project. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />As a part of our design services, our team will also perform a total constructability review of the plans and <br />specifications for each design project assignment. Particular attention will be given in the review of the construction <br />methods, equipment accessibility, as well as to the inclusion of necessary details and clarifications to avoid <br />potential conflicts or claims by the contractor. Our Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI) Group will also <br />perform a bidability review, prior to submitting plans to the City. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The ADA Team is committed to meet the schedule and budget requirements <br />for any project. To accomplish this mission, ADA will develop a detailed <br />schedule for each assigned project. The schedule will be developed after the <br />scoping meeting by the ADA Project Manager, task leaders and senior <br />management in collaboration with the City Project Manager. Each project <br />schedule will be based on task and milestone delivery dates anticipated for the <br />project and will identify the critical path issues and tasks that drive the final <br />deliverable dates. The project schedule will be developed with either <br />Primavera Enterprise or Microsoft Project software and will be detailed in the <br />Project Management Plan. The Project Management Plan will also identify <br />procedures to track and control the schedule. The Project Manager will track <br />the schedule throughout the project and take appropriate corrective actions to <br />maintain the defined deliverable and key project completion dates. ADA will <br />make any necessary adjustments to the schedule as deemed necessary <br />throughout the course of the project. <br /> <br />~ <br />. <br /> <br />",. -- <br />"' <br /> <br />~' <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Page 13 <br /> <br />RFQ No. 07-07-01 <br />PROFESSIONAL GENERAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT <br />