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SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />The Scope of Services to be used as a general guide and is not intended to be a complete list of all <br />work necessary to complete the project. <br />The following work tasks are assumed necessary to prepare the Wireless Broadband Solution <br />Strategy and Design: <br />I. Assess Community Need for a WiFi Network and Potential Benefits <br />a. Describe residential and business access to wireless broadband networks, e.g., WiFi <br />hotspots. <br />b. Project demand for wireless broadband services from all sectors of the community: <br />i. Individuals <br />ii. Businesses <br />iii. Schools, colleges and universities <br />iv. Community based organizations <br />v. Community media <br />vi. Government <br />c. Prioritize City drivers justifying a Wireless Broadband Network <br />II. Identify Best Practices and Business Models from other Communities <br />d. Identify the best practices and business models that other jurisdictions have <br />employed from among the broad range of approaches to creating community <br />wireless broadband networks. <br />e. Review potential ownership and operating structure for The City including, but not <br />limited to: <br />i. 100% municipal ownership and operation of the network <br />ii. 100% community based non -profit ownership and operation of the network <br />iii. public /private partnerships between local government and a private entity <br />that owns and operates the network <br />iv. a hybrid where the municipality owns and a private entity operates the <br />network (by "municipality," we include all units of local government, <br />including counties, municipal utilities, utility districts and joint power -like <br />arrangements.) <br />III. Assess Existing Telecommunications Planning, Infrastructure, and Initiatives <br />f. Evaluate existing telecommunications strategies and plans, The City's initiatives, <br />supporting studies, as well as plans of major City departments and agencies, such as <br />