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<br /> <br />HOWARD R. MILLER <br />COMMUNICATIONS <br /> <br />Section 2 Qualifications <br />8nce O:iober 2007, Howard R Miller Communications (HRv1C) has had the privilege to develop and <br />implement year-round aggressive public relations outreadl campaigns for the Oty of 3..Inny Isles l?eadl and <br />the 8BTourism and Marketing Coundl targeting: SJuth Rorida, Rorida, United Sates, Canada, 8.Jrope and <br />Latin America oonsumer and travel trade based media. HRv1Chas sua:essfully built avvareness of 3..Inny Isles <br />l?eadl, Miami as Rorida's ~viera - a dynamic oosmopolitan international and domestic tourism destination <br />with beautiful beadles, a multitude of lifestyle and event activities that are perfect for families and singles, at <br />a variety of budget and luxury resorts. <br /> <br />HRv1 C has generated stories on the fabled and fun history of 8Band the spectrum of emotional and rational <br />benefits of vacationing, oonduding oorporate meetings, doing business in SB or simply living or investing in <br />real estate in SB. HRv1Chasspear headed annual diversity campaigns emphasizing the spectrum of nidle <br />markets induding domestic and international Hispanic, African-American, Caribbean, gay and lesbian, <br />destination wedding, arts and a.Jlture, and business and oonsumer demographics. Moreover, HRv1Cefforts <br />have assisted in S B being named the number one travel destination in the United Sates by TripAdvisor (the <br />world's largest online travel portal) in early 2008. <br /> <br />HRv1Cworks strategically with The G-eater Miami Visitors and Convention B..Jreau (G\IIVCB) and The 8Jnny <br />Isles l?eadl Tourism and Marketing Coundl to ensure 8Bintegration into all G\IIVCBdomesticand <br />international marketing and branding campaigns. Furthermore, HRv1Cworks hand in hand with Ibis ~mero, <br />the SBoommission, Mayor, Oty Manager, and SBadministrative staff to oommunicate effectively on <br />important issues to local and SJuth Rorida residents, and to members of 8BTMC HRv1Chasdiligently <br />worked to inform real estate media on the value of investing in the SBoommunity. And although SBwas <br />affected by the real estate dedine, land values remained steady and sales of oondos remain strong. <br /> <br />HRv1Cs efforts have been oonsistently applied 12 months a year for every year it has been engaged. HRv1C <br />has oonceived and implemented key public relations campaigns for every S3ason. These indude 3..Immer <br />Saycation in SB, Family Wnter Vacation Fun in Rorida's ~viera, and Northerners Cetavvayto Rorida's <br />~viera. Targeting NEUnited Sates and Canadian media, the marketing campaigns have put spedal emphasis <br />in boosting shoulder/summer and winter business via targeted local, state, national, and international media <br />outreadl and the development of proprietary SBevents, sudl as the J3zz Fest and the Of shore Fbwerboat <br />Races. S3e Addendum 2 for examples of national and state-wide press ooverage generated by HRv1Cfor the <br />Oty of 3..Inny Isles l?eadl. <br /> <br />S3ethe plan for the 2009 8BJ3zzFest in Addendum 2 for an example of the steps that HRv1Chastaken in <br />the past to meet and exceed SBrequirements. The following plan produced for the SBJ3zz Fest in 2009 <br />demonstrates the services and timing of the activities to sua:essfully promote an event with a relatively small <br />budget. The solidtation and recruitment of media sponsorsoontributed to the event's success. Byworking <br />dosely with the SBTMC HRv1Cwas able to generate media ooverage and partidpation. <br /> <br />Page 2 of 44 Bd No 11-02-02 <br />