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<br />- <br /> <br />STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS <br /> <br />materials and subcontract acquisitions. <br /> <br />COST CONTROL <br />Effective cost control requires the understanding <br />and knowledge of what costs should bc. We pride <br />oursclves on having excellent estimating capability. <br />Our staff is available to support thc project team <br />assigned to your projcct. <br /> <br />Brasfield & Gorrie continuously monitors <br />construction costs through the following individual <br /> <br />computer rcports: <br /> <br />~ Labor Cost Report <br /> <br />~ Labor Projcctions <br /> <br />~ Matcrial and Subcontractor Buyout <br /> <br />~ Matcrial and Subcontractor Cost Rcport <br /> <br />> Monthly Projections <br /> <br />~ Payment and Rctainage Report <br /> <br />In addition, our Job Estimatc and Job Edit rcports <br />monitor estimated and currcnt contract amounts <br />and change orders. <br /> <br />1.9. A statement of experience summarizing <br />projects constructed under a similar development <br />process and a summary of what the Firm can <br />"bring to the table" for the benefit of the City <br />of Sunny Isles Beach. <br /> <br />Our ability to self-perform givcs us superior <br />control over cost, schedule, quality and safety. The <br />amount of work we self-perform can range from <br />5% to 95%, depending on the type of construction. <br />On heavy concrete work we typically self-perform <br />50% to 95%; on commercial or institutional <br />construction we generally self-perform 10% to <br />35% of the work. <br /> <br />By self-performing work that many of our <br />competitors must subcontract, we arc able to <br />eliminatc an additional markup, thereby reducing <br />project costs for the owner. When a substantial <br />portion of the work is performed by our own <br />forces, we can monitor the schedulc more <br />accuratcly and make labor adjustmcnts more <br /> <br />rapidly than can be done through secondary <br />contractors. This oftcn accelerates project <br />completion. Also, through self-performance, wc . <br />have direct control of the quality of workmanship <br />and the safcty of thc workplace. <br />Brasfield & Gorrie has the ability to self-pcrform <br /> <br />the following: <br /> <br />~ Foundation and relatcd excavation <br /> <br />~ Concretc structure <br /> <br />~ Light framing and miscellancous iron <br /> <br />~ Rough carpentry, layout, engineering <br /> <br />~ Finished carpentry, millwork <br /> <br />~ Specialties <br /> <br />1.10. A statement addrcssing the Firm's prcsent and <br />projected workload and how this Project will be <br />scheduled within that workload. <br /> <br />Brasficld & Gorric is expected to do approximately <br />$2 billion for 2009 company wide, $400 million <br />out of our Florida Regional office. In 2010, <br />Brasfield & Gorrie is currently preparing for a <br />slowdown in the construction markct in 2010 but <br />our backlog is still cxtremely strong. This project <br />would work perfectly with the proposed project <br />team members as well as the South region. <br /> <br />1.11. Third Party evidence that thc Firm has thc <br />rcquired liccnse, insurancc, and financial and <br />bonding capabilities necessary to fulfill their <br />responsibiIitics for this Projcct. The City may <br />require supplementary evidencc of financial <br />stability prior to signing a contract for the <br />Project. Note the City is a public body subject to <br />the State of Florida Public Records Law. <br />Information submittcd as part of this RFQ may bc <br />subject to public relcasc. <br /> <br />Please scc section 4 for Brasfield & Gorric's license, <br />insurance, financial and bonding insurance <br /> <br />HERITAGE PARK AND PARKING GARAGE <br />CITY RFQ NO. 09-03-01 <br />APRIL 8, 2009 <br /> <br />B~J~~ON ~ <br /> <br />l?i ........ con.""1I THE NATURAL CHOICE <br />