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<br />i) The plans show the installation of 15" HOPE, 18" HOPE, 24" HOPE and <br />30" HOPE pipes. However, the bid form Item Nos. 32, 33, 34, 35 specify <br />RCP pipe. Which is correct? Also, the plans don't show the use of 12" <br />HOPE pipe as specified in Item No. 31 of the bid form. Where is this 12" <br />dia. pipe being installed? Section 02613-1 of the specifications list <br />corrugated aluminum pipe. Is this a pipe option for this project? <br />Response: A revised bid quantity sheet will be included in the <br />addendum. Remove corrugated aluminum metal pipe for the <br />specifications and/or plans. <br />j) Plans show colored concrete (Miami Beach red) for 4" sidewalks. Does <br />the same apply to 6" concrete driveways and curb and gutter? Refer to <br />Sheet C-19. <br />Response: Remove colored concrete from specifications and/or <br />plans. <br />k) Can you provide details for the installation (attachment) of the proposed 6" <br />DIP force main to the existing bridge? Will the services of a police officer <br />be required while performing work on the bridge and also on Collins Ave? <br />Is there a time restriction while working in these areas? What are the <br />FOOT requirements when performing work in Collins Ave? Will milling <br />and resurfacing of the entire intersection (Collins & Atlantic Blvd) be <br />required? <br />Response: The existing bridge has a built in chase to accommodate <br />the 6" force main. As built plans will be provided. The contractor is <br />required to provide maintenance of traffic plans and permits for work <br />in FDOT right-of-way and 250 ft. of Atlantic, which includes the <br />bridge. Single lane traffic will require a flagman as part of the MOT <br />bid. All lanes on Collins Ave should remain clear during morning and <br />evening rush hours. The contractor shall prepare, submit and obtain <br />a MOT permit showing the required signage to safely control traffic <br />in FDOT right-of-way. No, in accordance with FDOT and Miami-Dade <br />Public Works, paving shall be the full lane width on Atlantic and full <br />lane width on Collins for pavement restoration. <br />I) Are connections to existing sanitary laterals at the property line part of this <br />contract? <br />Response: Provide clean 0 uts, plugs, valve box per Miami-Dade <br />W ASD standards at the property line. <br />m) Can you provide a pavement marking plan or at least provide quantities? <br />Response: Pavement marking and signage is provided in the plans. <br />n) We would like to request that the bid date be extended to June 23rd to <br />allow for clarifications. <br />Response: Bid opening has been extended to June 23, 2008. <br />0) Is the RTU antenna part of the contractor's scope of work? <br />Response: Yes <br />p) In case RTU antenna will be part of contract, who provides the program <br />and set up communication. <br />Response: This should be provided by pump manufacturer. <br /> <br />04/08 Final Version <br /> <br />00900-3 <br /> <br />05-4893 <br />