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Reso 2017-2716
City Clerk
Reso 2017-2716
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Last modified
11/30/2022 11:38:29 AM
Creation date
1/17/2018 12:25:52 PM
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Agmt w/American Ramp Co. for Design/Build of Skate Park at Haulover
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required to submit a request for a Change Order proposal. Where the Contractor is notified of the <br />position that the Field Directive is within the scope and the Contractor disagrees, the Contractor <br />shall notify the City that the Contractor reserves the right to make a claim for the time and <br />monies based on the Field Directive. At no time shall the Contractor refuse to comply with <br />the directive. Failure to comply with the directive may result in a determination that the <br />Contractor is in default of the Agreement. <br />ARTICLE 9. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. PUNCH LIST & FINAL COMPLETION <br />9.1 The Work shall be substantially complete when the City, in the reasonable exercise of <br />its discretion, determines that the Work is complete, that there are no material and/or substantial <br />variations from the Agreement, and the Work is fit for its intended purpose. Upon Substantial <br />Completion, the City will prepare a Certificate of Substantial Completion. The signing of this <br />form shall not relieve the Contractor from its obligation to complete the Project. <br />9.2 When the Contractor believes that the Work is substantially complete, the Contractor shall <br />request in writing that the City inspect the Work to determine if Substantial Completion has been <br />achieved. No request for Substantial Completion inspection is to be submitted until the Contractor <br />has obtained a Certificate of Completion unless the failure to obtain such certificate is beyond the <br />Contractor's reasonable control. The City shall schedule the date and time for any inspection and <br />notify the Contractor and any other parties deemed necessary. During this inspection, the City and <br />the Contractor shall sign a Substantial Completion Inspection certificate. Any remaining Work <br />shall be identified on the Punch list form, which work shall be known as Punch List work. The <br />Punch List shall be signed by the City and the Contractor to confirm that the Punch List contains <br />the item(s) necessary to complete the Work. The failure or refusal of the Contractor to sign the <br />Substantial Completion Inspection form or the Punch List, or the failure to include any items of <br />corrective work on such Punch List, does not alter the responsibility of Contractor to complete all <br />of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. <br />9.3 Where the Punch List is limited to minor omissions and defects, the City shall indicate <br />that the Work is substantially complete subject to completion of the Punch List. Where the City <br />determines that the Work is not substantially complete, the City shall provide a list of all open <br />items necessary to achieve Substantial Completion. Upon completion of such Work, the <br />Contractor shall request another Substantial Completion inspection. <br />9.4 The Contractor shall be required to complete all remaining Work included in the Punch List no <br />later than thirty (30) calendar days from the City's issuance of the Punch List. <br />9.5 Upon the receipt of all documentation, resolution of any outstanding issues and completion <br />of the Punch List items, the City will issue a Final Certificate for Payment. Upon issuance of the <br />final payment, the City will notify the Contractor in writing of the closeout of the Project. <br />9.6 Warranties required by the Contract Documents shall commence on the date of Substantial <br />Completion of the Work or designated portion thereof unless otherwise provided in the Certificate <br />of Substantial Completion. <br />030.6178-AMERICAN RAMP COMPANY I I <br />
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