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Additionally, Ms. Gladstone opined that the City should obtain the total costs of construction <br /> before proceeding with any redesign under a Design-Build Agreement. Specifically, she stated that as <br /> a matter of industry practice design/construction costs are inclusive in a Design/Build Agreement. <br /> Budget Request <br /> To this end, it is clear that we are at the point where the City Commission must give staff a <br /> maximum budget amount to work within. This action will give us a benchmark to work from in <br /> order to evaluate a total proposed cost from the Contractor, in order for this project to proceed <br /> further. (Enclosed is Resolution requesting approval of a revised budget) <br /> Specifically, staff is asking for a maximum budget amount and, the Commission's confirmation of <br /> the total Gateway Park major project components, inclusive of the following: <br /> (1) Redesigned Parking Garage Inclusive of Multipurpose facility; <br /> (2) Park amenities and performance stage; <br /> (3) Pedestrian overpass bridge. <br /> To provide clarity to the Contractor regarding the features of the redesigned parking garage, the City <br /> provided the Contractor with a "Shopping List" document dated December 14, 2012 (copy <br /> enclosed). The City has not requested any changes to the Park area features, which are provided for <br /> in the current drawings for the Park. These drawings includes a great lawn with, butterfly garden, <br /> water feature, playground, performing art stage at 42" in height and a pedestrian bridge over the <br /> west bound lanes of Sunny Isles Boulevard (State Road 826). <br /> For the Commission's reference and information, the cost for Heritage Park and Parking Garage <br /> inclusive of design and construction costs was approximately $15.6 million. <br /> Attachments <br />