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City of Sunny Isles Beach RFQ No. 18-11-01 | Consulting Engineering Services for Golden ShoresPump Station Rehabilitation (CCNA) <br />PROJECT APPROACH AND UNDERSTANDING <br />PROJECT APPROACH AND UNDERSTANDING <br />Calvin, Giordano & Associates, Inc. (CGA) will have the lead role and assign in-house staff for Surveying, Civil Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic Engineering, Permitting, Bidding, Construction Administration/ Inspection Services. RADISE International will provide Geotechnical Services, Alan Gerwig & Associates (AGA) will provide Structural Engineering Services, and Hydrogeological investigation will be provided by All Webb Enterprises. Inc. to round out the strong CGA team. <br />The main objective of this project is to evaluate the existing Pump Station and the associated drainage system, and rehabilitate and upgrade as needed. The pump station, which currently serves the Golden Shores neighborhood, consists of an emergency generator, a large wet well with an emergency by-pass gate and two pumps. The large and small pumps move water via flap gated connections to another wet well which has gravity-fed drainage wells (one in the wet well and one within the neighborhood), a weir, and an outfall to the Bay. The pump station is in need of an upgrade to be code compliant, user friendly, efficient and more aesthetically pleasing to the surrounding Golden Shores neighborhood. <br />The CGA team’s project approach includes the following items with additional detail on each process below: <br />1. Kick-Off Meetings <br />2. Data Collection <br />3. Surveying <br />4. Geotechnical Testing <br />5. Hydrogeological evaluation <br />6. Pump Station and Drainage System Evaluation <br />7. Preliminary Design <br />8. Utility Coordination/Conflict Resolution <br />9. Final Design and Permitting <br />10. Bidding Services <br />11. Construction Administration and Project Closeout <br />KICKOFF MEETING <br />Upon award of the project, CGA will meet with City staff to clarify specific requirements of the project <br />scope, and define the project budget. The project manager (PM) will prepare and submit a project schedule to the City. The detailed scope and schedule will be provided to team members at the internal project “Kick-off Meeting.” The primary purpose of the “Kick-off Meeting” is to: <br />1. Define project milestones; <br />2. Clarify the quality control/quality assurance requirements to be followed; <br />3. Discuss the critical design elements affecting the overall schedule; and <br />4. Review methods to ensure effective communication is maintained throughout the design process. <br />DATA COLLECTION <br />CGA will then begin the inventory and data collection process, by researching and obtaining available documents such as records and as-built information, historical permits, historical design plans, historical drainage calculations/reports for the project, maintenance history, and performing onsite visits and investigation. Information and insight from City staff regarding existing utilities and maintenance knowledge will supplement the GIS and as-built information received through the data gathering process. A site visit will allow the task leaders to identify key components and review existing conditions to identify any special needs areas for the surveying crew. <br />SURVEY, GEOTECHNICAL TESTING, HYDROGEOLOGICAL EVALUATION <br />Parallel with the data collection process, the CGA team will start the surveying and necessary testing by the sub-consultants. The team will investigate the performance and capacity of the existing drainage wells and pumps in order to facilitate the next step which is evaluation of the Pump Station and the Drainage System. <br />PUMP STATION AND DRAINAGE SYSTEM EVALUATION <br />The CGA team will perform Hydraulic evaluation, drainage calculations, and an assessment of the stormwater collection system and the pump discharge system. We understand the City has <br />8