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City of Sunny Isles Beach RFQ No. 18-11-01 | Consulting Engineering Services for Golden ShoresPump Station Rehabilitation (CCNA) <br />a strong maintenance/cleaning program for the collection system and does not anticipate many issues, however all components will be evaluated. <br />Hydrologic and Hydraulic modeling will be performed to evaluate the performance of the existing drainage system and to determine the potential inflow rate or volume into the existing pump station. Pump Station operation will be observed during actual rain events. Dry run testing will be performed as well, as applicable. Mechanical, electrical and structural components will be evaluated by the qualified CGA team professionals. A recommendation summary report and preliminary construction cost estimate will be prepared for City’s staff review. Upon acceptance of the Recommendation Report, CGA will initiate preliminary design process to upgrade the existing pump station. <br />PRELIMINARY DESIGN <br />The preparation of design drawings can begin once the inventory, data collection, and evaluation phase has been completed. Design plans will be coordinated with all associated disciplines: Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering etc. The prepared plans will be reviewed by CGA’s Quality Control and Quality Assurance (QA/QC) personnel. The deficiencies identified by QA/QC will be addressed by the respective design personnel. These preliminary plans are utilized to begin the pre-application process with the regulatory and permitting agencies as well as with any relevant stakeholders. This process involves multiple meetings with the City staff to ensure the project is moving in the intended direction and on schedule. The following is a general description of additional tasks. <br />UTILITY COORDINATION/CONFLICT RESOLUTION <br />Early and pro-active communication/coordination with the UAO’s is a critical element in the process of successful project implementation. The coordination effort will focus on early identification, conflict avoidance and planning for utility adjustments and relocations as needed. Some instances may require water or sewer point relocations. CGA fully understands the commitment and level of effort involved for this task to successfully complete the design process on schedule. Design tickets obtained through Sunshine 811 will identify UAO’s with facilities within the project limits. City records and conversation with city staff will help the team understand utilities that may be existing within the <br />pump station site, and field reviews will supplement and confirm the information. Conflict identification early in the design process allows for confirmation of utility information and opportunities to design around the conflict. In some cases, the design can not be altered to avoid the utility and coordination with the UAO for relocation has to begin immediately. All conflicts, whether plan or concept related, are logged and tracked in CGA's spreadsheet with a responsible party and the outcome. This ensures issues or conflicts are not forgotten through the life of the design as well as provides accountability for project decisions. <br />FINAL DESIGN AND PERMITTING <br />Preparation of construction documents begins once the preliminary design is agreed upon by the City and the utility evaluation and coordination is well underway. These plans are utilized to make permitting submittals and begin public outreach efforts. <br />During the design process, CGA implements a Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) process, which consists of a peer review process where a design group not directly involved with the project will review the plan documents with a fresh perspective. Once the comments have been addressed, the plans are submitted to the firm’s Director of Quality Control and Quality Assurance for final sign off before being released. The multi-disciplined review process also consists of a constructability review by a member of the Construction Services Department. This review specifically ensures that the plans make sense from a construction perspective and is intended to minimize potential problems in the field during construction. Once the client and regulatory agencies approve the final design, the construction documents will be finalized and submitted to the City for bidding. The staff assigned to these tasks are outlined and shown in the Organization Chart provided. <br />BIDDING SERVICES <br />The CGA team has experience assisting the local agency in all aspects of bidding including assistance during bidding, attending the pre-bid meeting, creating minutes, addenda preparation, responses to contractor RFI’s and review of the bid package for recommendation of the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. <br />9