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2014-0116 Regular City Commission Meeting
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City Commission Minutes
2014-0116 Regular City Commission Meeting
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Summarc Minutes: Regular Cin• Commission \leetine January 16. 2014 Cine of Sunny Isles Beach. Florida <br />compliance requirements are applicable to the City's major programs. Again this year, your <br />major program was several forfeitures, and you had expenditures of approximately $490,000. <br />She noted that this year with the new Finance team leadership she had doubts that they would <br />be able to get the Audit to them in January. however. Finance Director Audra Curls-Whann <br />and Assistant Finance Director Tiffany Neely -Jean and the rest of the Finance Department <br />were able to get them everything they needed in order to start the Audit the second week of <br />November. Thev worked long hours with us through December doing our field work, and <br />the beginning of January finalizing the statements. disclosures, and presentations. Their hard <br />work paid off and the City received Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial <br />Reporting for the 2013 Financial Statements. This distinguished award would not be <br />possible without the dedication of the Finance Department and also the Commission's <br />support of the City's attempt in achieving this award. <br />Mayor Edelcup on behalf of the City Commission thanked Ms. Calvert and Finance Director <br />Curls-Whann and her staff for doing a great job and for delivering the Audit in a very timeh <br />manner. It is so great to hear a report like this that has no adverse comments and everything <br />went well. He knows a lot of that is due to vour hard work and the hard work of our Finance <br />team that came on the scenejust in time for the year end closing and he knows that was really <br />a test and they performed outstandingly and you did as well. <br />5C. Presentation/Discussion regarding the 2014 Priorities of the Citv Adwisory Committee. <br />Action: Mayor Edelcup noted our Chairperson Dana Goldman of the City Advisory <br />Committee (CAC) is here. [C'ip, Clerk's ,Vote: CAC d9enJbers Howard Gordon, Shobha <br />Arcrgaprasanna. and Jeniffer Viscarra are also in attendance.] This is basically an <br />opportunity for our Commission to give some guidance if they choose so that the CAC has <br />an idea of what we are expecting of them. At the same time it clarifies any communications <br />that we would have to be able to make to the CAC at a public hearing because of the <br />Sunshine Law and the only time we can do this is at a scheduled meeting. <br />City Manager Russo mentioned a recent meeting he had with Dana Goldman to discuss the <br />priorities. They went through the general four or five categories of the areas that we <br />perceived as the priorities. Obviously one of the first ones was one of the issues that they <br />have been working on and brought before the Commission previously and that has to do with <br />communications. Communications in various respects or programming information. how we <br />communicate with our community and try to get out the word on events and programs of the <br />City. We will be back to the Commission with our report by the next meeting on the <br />electronic signage issue. We have been spending a lot of time researching that, and Depuq <br />City %4ana2er Stan Morris has been working very hard on this with Dana and following up <br />on the items from the Committee. <br />City \4anager Russo said the other issues we discussed is the Building Code as it relates not <br />only to the 40 -year inspections which is a particularly big issue in this equation. but on the <br />whole general issue. We will be moving forward on workshops that we originally planned <br />on and it was a priority dealing with: what is a Building Code issue and what is a City issue <br />versus what is related to condominium association rules and their requirement and the <br />difference in how we deal with that. <br />3 <br />
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