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Summare Minutes: Regular Cin Commission Meeting Januar 16. 2014 City of Sunny Isles Beach. Florida <br />City Manager Russo said another issue that came up in our meeting and just speaking to the <br />bigger categories of our discussion was an issue that dealt generally with a public safety <br />issue. It was pretty much a pedestrian safety issue which we did say we were going to take <br />up with the Police Chief. and see if there are some issues that we can at least clarify and <br />possibly address over time. <br />Nlayor Edelcup said in picking up on something you said, the transportation issue that may <br />be something that can be added would be helping to form the bicycle path through the City. <br />He knows that has become a hot topic item in the County particularly because of the <br />accidents that have occurred on Key Biscayne. He knows from some residents that have <br />come to visit him that they have had some problems here in their own City walking on the <br />sidewalk and having bicyclists appear out of the blue behind them or even coming towards <br />them. He thinks it will be helpful to add that as a topic that maybe the CAC can delve into <br />and maybe give us some help in coming up of what would be the safest approach to having <br />bicycles because the\, certainly will exist but have a safe route through the City. <br />Mayor Edelcup said in picking up on something the City Manager said again. the role of the <br />condos. Building Codes. and Code Enforcement in the Cite. There is a significant area of the <br />City that has single family in it and perhaps we should also take an approach as to what the <br />City's role is in residential neighborhoods as it relates again to Building Codes and also as to <br />neighbor -to -neighbor issues. So that again, there is a special understanding in the <br />community of what it is the City can and cannot do. not only at the condo level but even in <br />the single—family home. He knows that former Commissioner Danny Iglesias lives in a <br />townhouse area and so you are right in the middle of that exposure of quayside single family. <br />quayside condo situations. It would be helpful if all the areas in our City got talked through <br />as to what the role of our City is in each of those areas. <br />Dana Goldman. Chairperson ofthe City Advisory Committee, said she is keenly interested in <br />condominium issues because of the density ofour condominium population. Something that <br />is near and dear to her heart personally and professionally. We anticipate inaugurating our <br />condominium workshop series, and we would like to do it first on a quarterly basis. We <br />have had some preliminary discussions with Building Official Clay Parker and his team as a <br />start with the 40 -year certification but obviously we want to expand that. She said that she <br />thinks it is a good recommendation to also incorporate residential single-family. One of the <br />topics that was presented along the way by the CAC was rental type restrictions and rental <br />occupancy. Maybe we can tack that on and start in that area, and obviously if it gets bigger <br />we can talk about a different venue. But in where we conduct our meetings and start them <br />on a quarterly basis and see how it goes. If it becomes something that is popular and well <br />attended then we can do it on a bi-monthly basis. <br />Commissioner Scholl said he is following in the Mayor's footsteps in this one is that there <br />seems to be a lot of ambiguity about where the City's authority begins and ends, and it is <br />very circumstantial because when somebody has a problem they want us to have authority. <br />\Vhen they are not haying a problem they don`t want us to have authority. Or we are <br />exercising authority and they feel the\, don't have a problem, it is a different situation. He <br />thinks it is great that the CAC gets involved in these things and kind of slices and dices a lot <br />of them because you are more grass roots in some ways and can help bridge that gap a little <br />4 <br />