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Summar Minutes- Reeular Cit' commission Meetine Januar 16. 2014 City of Sunnv Isles Beach. Florida <br />bit. But he knows that with his own neighbors the rental issue is a big deal, they really feel <br />that we should have Code Enforcement people knocking on people's doors and proving <br />whether they live there or not. When someone says it is my cousin or uncle whatever, you <br />know they are going to lie and so this is a big issue. He is sure it is a bie issue in the <br />condominiums as well, you know, when you have rules in the condos. But where does our <br />authority begin and end, and where do our residents want our authority to begin and end <br />because we may have authority sometimes that folks don't want us to exercise it. He has <br />been very impressed with the work the CAC is doing. He thinks the CAC in general under <br />Dana's leadership and the makeup that is there now, that they are getting some traction <br />which is great and he knows it is not easy. <br />Chairperson Goldman asked if it is an issue that citizens. condo unit owners come to you and <br />say solve this problem and you can't solve the problem because it is an issue for another <br />agency and they come back and if you are not in compliance, they don't have jurisdiction or <br />because it is not an arbitrate, is that kind of what you are saying? Commissioner Scholl said <br />exactly. sometimes we can prevent the problem if we follow our LDRs and we are careful <br />when we are approving these projects. People will get aggravated over parking in a condo <br />situation, they come to us and say why can't you fix our parking. Well, we shouldn't be <br />approving buildings that have marginal or inadequate parking and so he thinks that we are <br />well aware of that now. We are much more cognizant of that and the greatest example of <br />that is LaPerla because LaPerla was approved and basically it should not have been approved <br />that way. The policy at the time allowed it to be approved and it has been a nightmare ever <br />since for those residents. Then they come back to us and say this was presented this way, <br />why can't you make it go away? We don't own that park and there are reasons we can't do <br />that. We have worked with LaPerla very closely and so a lot of times we try but we don't <br />have the authority to effectuate the change that people are looking for. <br />Chairperson Goldman asked when you feel these inquiries is there somebody in the City that <br />actually gets them, or is there some repository, is there some person those calls go to or is it <br />just kind of diffused and we don't really know? Commissioner Scholl said the City Manager <br />usually gets them. Mayor Edelcup said generally they start by calling the \Mayor or one of <br />the Commissioners. and then it may get referred to the City Manager or the City Attorney <br />depending upon the issue. Sometimes it is one of those issues, again, that the City can't <br />resolve. It may be a dispute between two neighbors that they want the City to take some son <br />of Police action which Nye are not capable of doing but the residents don't understand that, <br />they think that is what we are here for. So we have to sit down with them and explain to <br />them what our role is in those kinds of situations. Sometimes they may have to seek their <br />own attorneys if they have a dispute rather then expect the City to intervene on somebody's <br />behalf. On something that Commission Scholl said. when we approved those early projects <br />there was not enough parking in the buildings and that message got through to us and we <br />changed our Ordinance to provide for requiring two (2) parking spaces where in the past it <br />was 1 '/ spaces. If the CAC had been involved in it he thinks we would have been hearing it <br />through you. There may be things that we get through you that again gives us rise to review <br />our Building Codes and make appropriate changes. <br />Commissioner Scholl said how he is coming at it is that even though we may not have <br />authority over something doesn't mean that it shouldn't get voiced for it where you see a <br />