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Kimley Horn
City Clerk
(14-07-02) Continuing Professional Architectural and Engineering Services - Individulas Only CCNA
Kimley Horn
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Last modified
1/7/2015 11:57:02 AM
Creation date
8/19/2014 10:59:22 AM
Project Name
Continuing Professional Services for Architectural, Landsc.
Bid No. (xx-xx-xx)
Project Type (Bid, RFP, RFQ)
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Architectural, Landscape Architectural, <br />Engineering and Land Surveying Firms Only (CCNA) <br />RFO No. 14 -07 -02 <br />® Kimley -Horn meets the minimum qualifications for this contract as seen by our proof of relevant experience that follows, <br />® as well as our firm's professional licenses included at the end of this section. To provide examples of our extensive <br />experience, the projects are listed in the following categories: Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering, and Landscape <br />Architecture. <br />di <br />Go <br />a <br />Civil Engineering Projects <br />Engineering Services, Miami Lakes, FL <br />Kimley -Horn is currently serving the Town of Miami Lakes as their Engineer <br />on the Miami Lakeway North Roadway and Drainage Improvement project. <br />We are also under contract with the Town to provide all aspects of engineering <br />services needed. <br />When Miami Lakes incorporated, they obtained the responsibility and <br />ownership of the roadway and drainage infrastructure within the Town limits. <br />To assist with this effort, Kimley -Horn provided support to assess the condition <br />of the existing infrastructure. <br />Kimley -Horn evaluated roads, sidewalks, signing, and striping within the Town �' ,_ . =�_• <br />limits. The recommendations from this assessment included a prioritization of <br />the improvements along with a five -year capital improvements program (CIP). To facilitate implementing these improvements, we <br />provided construction documents and obtained bids from contractors to implement the projects. <br />To develop Miami Lakes' own stormwater utility, Kimley -Horn prepared a stormwater master plan that outlined the deficiencies of <br />the current stormwater system. Additionally, we developed the stormwater utility fee methodology and established the range of <br />rates for the utility to implement improvements. Kimley -Horn also prepared a five -year CIP for the stormwater improvements. Other <br />achievements include obtaining a grant from the Metropolitan Planning Organization to prepare a Transportation Master Plan. This <br />master plan provided Miami Lakes with recommendations to improve transportation circulation as well as pedestrian mobility. <br />Specific roadway and drainage improvement projects that have been completed on time and under budget include: <br />Miami Lakeway North Roadway and Drainage Improvement Project. <br />Roadway and drainage improvement project on Miami Lakeway North in the <br />Town of Miami Lakes. The improvement project included roadway restoration, <br />new curbing, new pavement markings, and new drainage infrastructure from <br />Ludlum Road to Celebration Point development, and along NW 64th Avenue from <br />_ Miami Lakeway North to the Biscayne Canal The drainage design included the <br />,. necessary stormwater modeling and permitting for a new drainage ouffall into <br />y F the canal. In addition to the much needed stormwater improvements, several <br />traffic and parking related improvements were included. Right- and left -turn lane <br />extensions provided for additional queuing space, paved parallel parking was <br />added in existing swale areas, and a new parking lot was added in close proximity to the Miami Lakes Park tennis courts <br />and Miami Lakes Middle School portable classrooms. The enhancement project also included landscaping and irrigation <br />improvements, as well as new lighting for the parking lot. Kimley -Horn provided construction phase services to expedite the <br />project and confirm the project was built in compliance with the plans and specifications. As a result of the design, public <br />involvement with the community, and coordination with the contractor, the construction process was very successful, impacts to <br />the community were minimized, and the project came in on time and under budget. <br />® NW 154th Street Drainage Improvements. Roadway restoration/resurfacing and drainage improvements on a major <br />® roadway through the Town including a new drainage ouffall, median improvements, irrigation system, and project permitting. <br />® The project schedule and maintenance of traffic was designed to minimize impacts to the Town and adjacent property <br />owners. The majority of the project was constructed at night to minimize impacts. Close coordination was required with <br />® Miami -Dade County Traffic Division and the Florida Department of Transportation. Construction phase services were <br />® provided to expedite the project and ensure the project was built in accordance with the design plans. <br />® Kimley )))Horn <br />® OY2 _!.1= -0 S,,.yI 3xxt. Cam QPrt.)S_.ices.d 2.11 <br />
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