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Summary Minutes:Regular City Commission Meeting May 21,2015 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> 9B. An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida,Amending <br /> Chapter 233 ("Special Events")of the Code of Ordinances to Clarify that a Condominium <br /> May Hold Special Events for Guests and Invitees Up to Four (4) Times Per Year; <br /> Providing for Severability; Providing for Inclusion in the Code; Providing for Repeal of <br /> Conflicting Provisions; and Providing for an Effective Date. <br /> (First Reading 04/16/15) <br /> Action: City Clerk Hines read the title, and City Attorney Ottinot said this is the Ordinance <br /> requested by Mayor Scholl. It basically allows four(4)special events per year in the condos. <br /> Public Speakers: None <br /> Vice Mayor Gatto said at an association meeting we had a little confusion and we need some <br /> clarification to whether that included things like birthday parties and bar mitzvahs? They <br /> would not generate the same kind of traffic issues with people outside vs. concerts. Mayor <br /> Scholl said if somebody lives in a building and they are having a party, it is not covered by <br /> this Ordinance. This is where a building has an auditorium for instance and they want to <br /> allow somebody to come in and put on a show and outsiders would come. There was a line <br /> taken on this issue in the past of no outside events in the building. His take was if the Condo <br /> Association and the residents wants it then it is okay. He doesn't think it pertains to an <br /> owner having a birthday party. <br /> Commissioner Levin asked if there was a distinction to whether or not people are simply <br /> invited and whether or not a fee is paid? Mayor Scholl said that is up to the Association, if <br /> they want to have a free concert then they can. But again, under our Code there is a <br /> requirement for them to get a permit if they have so many people and then ultimately it is <br /> going to be up to the Association. Commissioner Levin said but if they are going to charge a <br /> fee does that then cross the threshold into a commercial enterprise? Mayor Scholl said sure it <br /> does but again they get an event permit, there are restaurants in a residential building,there <br /> are commercial enterprises and offices in residential buildings. <br /> Commissioner Aelion said for a special events application when they go in for permitting, <br /> staff makes sure that all of the requirements are secure and in place. The Police Department <br /> and Code Enforcement would have an easier time once these are evaluated and move <br /> forward. <br /> Vice Mayor Gatto moved and Commissioner Aelion seconded a motion to approve the <br /> Ordinance on second reading. Ordinance No.2015-454 was adopted by a roll call vote <br /> of 5-0 in favor. <br /> Vote: Commissioner Aelion yes <br /> Commissioner Goldman yes <br /> Commissioner Levin yes <br /> Vice Mayor Gatto yes <br /> Mayor Scholl yes <br /> 19 <br />