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<br />The SRI debris team is experienced with all facets of debris planning, mitigation, response and recovery and is <br />prepared to provide the City with comprehensive debris management and monitoring services. The first step <br />to any new project is to review the services the client expects and to make recommendations on what is needed <br />pre-disaster, as well as after the storm. In order to ensure the City's debris management team is fully prepared <br />to initiate a successful debris removal project, SRI will advise and train the City's selected staff in essential <br />debris management and monitoring functions. SRI personnel will review load ticket protocol, collection vehi- <br />cle standards and compliance factors, debris zone maps and procedures, reporting and documentation require- <br />ments, obtain a list of Federal-Aid roads eligible for reimbursement by the Federal Highways Administration, <br />review data reporting templates, discuss TDSR site preparations, and review current FEMA debris eligibility <br />criteria and policy matters, among other vital tasks. <br /> <br />Solid Resources, Inc. will work closely with City and state and federal emergency management agencies to <br />monitor and expedite the cleanup of the disaster debris and to maximize reimbursements and financial assis- <br />tance from granting agencies, such as FEMA and FHW A. In every contract, establishing procedures for com- <br />munication, planning, performance monitoring, quality and cost control have proven key to a project's success. <br />SRI will provide superior services by assessing and evaluating the City's unique pre- and post-disaster situa- <br />tion including details into debris collection, communications, contracts, regulations and operational proce- <br />dures. <br /> <br />SRI will provide core management personnel responsible for all facets of debris management and will provide <br />a Project Manager to be in consistent contact with City's Debris Manager, Emergency Operation Center, col- <br />lection contractors, field monitors and work crews. All disposal sites will be reviewed and the measurement, <br />certification and placarding of the debris removal contractor's trucks will begin as soon as trucks have arrived. <br />SRI will also assist the City as needed with obtaining any necessary permits, licenses or certificates. <br /> <br />SRI will initiate the truck certification program in coordination with the debris removal contractors to accu- <br />rately measure the volumetric capacity of each truck. SRI can supply certification forms which include the lat- <br />est FEMA guidelines for measuring trucks. We will photograph each truck, attach a certification placard to it, <br />note any unique sideboards or tailgates which TDSR site managers should be alert to, and inspect the trucks to <br />make sure they comply with minimum local, State and Federal standards. SRI also will periodically spot check <br />and recertify trucks in order to prevent alteration of the volumetric capacity post-certification. <br /> <br />SRI will manage the inspection of the disposal or unloading sites by providing monitors qualified to verify <br />load capacity in order to provide accurate documentation and record keeping. At least two disposal site moni- <br />tors will be assigned to each temporary or final disposal site the City designates. SRI will perform on-site, <br />street-level loading area inspection and documentation of debris cleanup and collection. SRI will provide an <br />adequate number of field monitors to inspect and control debris collection (quantity dependent on the severity <br />of the event and # of crews) utilizing manifest load tickets, field logs and other documentation as required. <br /> <br />SRI will assist the City in the establishment of a contractor Damage Reporting and Remediation Program. Our <br />monitors are trained to document and immediately report any damages to private resident property which oc- <br />cur during the collection of debris, such as to mailboxes, cars, yards or other items. Each incident is docu- <br />mented with photographs, logged on field reports and called into SRI management personnel, who in turn alert <br />the debris removal contactor(s) and the City to the issue. <br /> <br />SRI will facilitate daily meetings between the City, SRI and the debris removal contractor management staff <br />each afternoon to report progress, review collection strategies, coordinate efforts, resolve problematic issues <br />and make any necessary adjustments and improvements to operational procedures. SRI monitors and managers <br />can greatly facilitate the debris removal program by mapping out where debris remains, locating 'hot spots' for <br />immediate collection, marking ineligible debris piles and tracking progress for pass completions and zone clo- <br />sures. This information can be used by contractors to plan collection strategies, and by City managers to track <br />progress and report to the media. <br /> <br />SOLID Q RESOURCES <br /> <br />E."~'ML""-'L\t I.: EMEJIC....-.cY ~"ICU <br /> <br />5 <br />