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<br /> <br />City of Sunny Isles Beach - Professional Engineering Services <br />RFQ No: 10-04-01 Request for Qualifications <br /> <br />Project Manager. Mr. Gil-Mera can be reach at our office: (305) 592-7283; cell: (305) 525-3915; email: <br />; or by mail at 10305 NW 41st Street, Suite 115, Doral, Florida 33178. As Project Manager he <br />will be responsible for the technical design elements of this contract as well as the required coordination among <br />the different disciplines to ensure the timely completion of all projects within the established proposed <br />schedule. Mr. Gil-Mera will act as the point of contact between APCTE, and the City of Sunny Isles. Mr. Gil-Mera <br />is involved today as Project Manager on the Flamingo Neighborhood Improvement Project for the City of Miami <br />Beach, Office of CIP. This is a very successful Design/Build project in which our firm is leading the design and CEI <br />effort. Mr. Gil-Mera worked for FOOT District VI for fifteen years; he spent the last eleven years in the internal <br />design office working on the production of roadway plans including minor design and major reconstruction <br />roadway projects. During the last two years of his career at FOOT, he worked as District VI Roadway Design <br />Project Manager where he was the head of an Internal Design Team working on a large number of resurfacing <br />and reconstruction projects. As one of the Principals of A&P, Mr. Gil-Mera has designed and managed numerous <br />Transportation Projects for Governmental and Private Clients. <br /> <br />Some of the projects recently designed by Mr. Gil-Mera include: <br />Nautilus Right-of-Wav Infrastructure Improvement Proiect - Citv of Miami Beach, Capital Improvement Office <br />The Nautilus Neighborhood includes all of the area from Surprise Lake South, to the South end of the 41st Street <br />R.O.W., and from Biscayne Bay east to the Indian Creek Waterway, inclusive of the Orchard Park and Nautilus <br />West sub-neighborhoods. The area is generally comprised of single-family residential streets with some pockets <br />of multi-family uses. The proposed major improvements in this neighborhood include: Streetscape <br />Improvements which included the reconfiguration of West 42nd Street from North Michigan Avenue to North <br />Meridian Avenue, roadway milling and resurfacing, sidewalk extension, lighting upgrades, swale reclamation / <br />removal of encroachments, pavement narrowing, on-street parking improvements; Storm water Improvements <br />which consisted of the installation of approximately 16,300 In. ft. of conveyance pipe, 92 inlets and 74 <br />manholes, 9 gravity drainage wells and 31 pressurized drainage inlets and 6 stormwater pumping stations; and <br />Water System Improvements which included the installation of approximately 33,944 In. ft. of 8-inch DIP WM, <br />new Fire Hydrants, and the relocation of approximately 172 water meters from rear easements to the public <br />sidewalk using trenchless technology. <br /> <br />NW 14th Street Reconstruction, Citv of Miami, Florida <br />Engineer of Record for the total reconstruction of NW 14th Street from NW 42nd Court to NW 34th Avenue. This <br />project included the preparation of Roadway Plans, Drainage Improvements including a drainage pump station, <br />Signalization, Lighting, Signing and Pavement Markings and Intelligent Transportation System (I.T.S.) Plans. <br /> <br />Washington Avenue Streetscape Improvements Phases II, IV & V, Miami Beach, Florida <br />Designer of record for this Design-Build Project. Prepare construction documents <br />(plans and specifications) for the following improvements: roadway reconstruction <br />and milling & resurfacing, new gravity drainage wells, sanitary sewer capacity <br />improvements which consist of pipe/manhole up-sizing, water main upgrades, <br />relocation of water meters/meter boxes, new decorative lighting system, <br />landscape and irrigation upgrades, replacement of curb & gutter and sidewalk <br />from 11th St. to 16th St., design of intersection bump-outs, compliance with ADA <br />requirements, modification of parking space layout, relocation of existing utilities, <br />coordination with the CMB Parking Department to remove and reinstall parking <br />meter heads and parking signs, and signature median improvements from 5th St. <br />to 6th St., and between 16th to Lincoln Road. Also responsible for the construction <br />administration activities related to the construction of this right-of-way <br />improvement project. <br /> <br />APT <br /> <br />~1M/&\n[i'/l~I{!Il'.ll!t <br /> <br />A&P Consulting Transportation Engineers, Corp. <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />4 <br />