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previously set performance objectives and goals. Other factors that normally should <br /> be considered include knowledge of the job, quantity and quality of work, promptness <br /> in completing assignments, cooperation, initiative, reliability, attendance, judgment, <br /> conduct, and acceptance of responsibility. <br /> 3) Supervisors should prepare an appraisal of each employee's job performance using <br /> the HR approved evaluation form. The appraisal generally should include the <br /> supervisor's (rater) comments and recommendations, an action plan for both the <br /> employee and supervisor, and performance goals for the next evaluation period. <br /> 4) Department heads, or designated reviewer, should review each supervisor's written <br /> evaluation to help assure that the evaluation function has been properly completed in <br /> as fair and objective a manner as possible. <br /> 5) After the written evaluation has been reviewed by the department head, or designated <br /> reviewer, the supervisor and employee should meet and discuss the final evaluation, <br /> assess the employee's strengths and weaknesses in a constructive manner, and set <br /> performance objectives and goals for the period ahead. The employee should be <br /> given the opportunity to examine the evaluation and make written comments about <br /> any aspect of it. The employee and supervisor should then sign and date the <br /> evaluation and forward it to the HR Department for review and inclusion in the <br /> employee's personnel file. <br /> 6) In addition to adding written comments to their performance appraisal, employees may <br /> request a review by their department head, the HR Director, or the City Manager. <br /> (note: the request must be made within one work-day of receipt of the final evaluation) <br /> 7) Information derived from the performance appraisal will be considered when making <br /> decisions affecting pay, promotion, training, transfer, or continued employment. <br /> 8) The procedures discussed in this policy will be followed by all City employees so <br /> designated as raters and reviewers. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action <br /> unless there are mitigating circumstances as determined by the City Manager. The <br /> City may, in.its sole discretion, modify or revoke procedures in whole or in part at any <br /> time. <br /> CODING: Words stricken are deletions,words underlined are additions. <br /> 303-1 Performance Appraisals -General Page 2 of 2 <br /> 63 <br />